Blog Carnival: Jennifer Hosts

For the past couple of months I’ve posted a “blog round up”—a weekly listing of my favorite recent Charlottesville blog entries. Now that I’ve got everybody used to the concept, this show is going on the road. That transforms this into what’s known as a “blog carnival,” a regularly-scheduled best-of listing that travels between member blogs. At first I’m going to reproduce the contents of the carnival here, but eventually I’ll just post a link. Jennifer boldly agreed to kick things off this week:

Waldo’s post on the Al Weed flyer leads to equally fascinating and thorough fact analysis via the comment section; reminding us all why the blogosphere rocks as a forum for discussion and analysis.

Politickchick column was linked on Politickchick also posts some hilarious responses to her Cav Daily columns. What a great idea for columnists to react to comments submitted in response to their columns.

I was reminded by Johnny Metro why I love cville, the ever changing, never boring views.

Outskirts despises most things about the village; complains yet again about the music from the downtown mall. The changes in sound should be coming in two weeks, so complain after the James Brown concert. City Mouse has a different perspective on the pavalion.

City Mouse’s ongoing saga with her neighbor living in the closet continues with an answer from the myopic property management company.

Anoop had to tell the world about the noodle bar on the Corner. I appreciate the weekly updates on where to eat since I never get to go anywhere (ok I did get to go to Mas, I recommend it highly to Anoop).

Brian Wheeler & Charlottesville Tomorrow provide a great service to the community with this particularly interesting post regarding Albemarle Place; shopping, traffic, gentrification, the future is now.

Eat Air got interviewed and made a delicious brunch- all with no meat, cheese, eggs um and other things. I enjoy the recipes because generally it makes the vegan life seem accessible. I am not a convert but I enjoy the idea of the alternative.

Fatuous Observations believes people don’t respect teachers because they talk over children’s presentations. I want to assure her that people are just rude.

There are a lot of new cvilleblogs from people who recently moved here. Matt Fotter is content and needs people to drink beer on the street with him (I have someone in mind); Rob adds some humor with this great post of a mangled subtitle. Rob & Matt might have a heck of a time together.

Finally StlWorkingmom posts some review haikus on recently watched DVD’s.

Thanks for reading, enjoy.

Next week, Duane Gran hosts.

3 Responses to “Blog Carnival: Jennifer Hosts”

  • If you want to host an upcoming carnival on your blog, just holler.

  • broken link to Jennifer’s blog

  • Gail says:

    Regarding Fatuous Observations- I have been to many, many school events and the rudeness described is not usual in my experience. It’s part of the parenting deal- you provide a polite audience for other people’s kids so that your kids can expect the same courtesy when it is their turn. I think any principle who would not use his authority in that situation is neglecting his responsibilities. He owes that teacher and all those students an apology. One hopes that the school board members present have expressed their disappointment to him already.

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