Daughtry Surviving American Idol

I’ll confess right up front that I’m a big dork and I’ve never seen American Idol. (The ads indicate that the hosts are jerks, so I’ve never bothered to watch.) I’ll further confess that I hadn’t really noticed that a local fella is really rocking each round, but on the Daily Progress blog, Laura Bland writes that 26-year-old Chris Daughtry, from Fluvanna, is the odds-on favorite to win. He actually lives in North Carolina now, but we take what we can get.

4 Responses to “Daughtry Surviving American Idol”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Waldo wrote:

    (The ads indicate that the hosts are jerks, so I’ve never bothered to watch.)

    The hosts are jerks! I watched the 2nd season and then I quit viewing.

    Consider this… during the audition phase the contestants are heavily prescreened yet still bad singers manage to make it before the 3 final judges. It’s intentional cruelty on the part of those that make the show to let forward those who are not simply bad.. but entertainlingly bad… only to have their (unrealistic) hopes dashed on camera for the viewing enjoyment of the television audience.

    It’s needlessly cruel and is essentially the modern day version of the gladitorial games.

    While I wish the hometown hopefull as much luck as he can get, I’m wondering if winning wouldn’t really be career death. You have to sign a management contract with the show’s producers that for all intents and purposes make you their property, and is probably to the performer’s financial detriment should the only hit’s he/she ever has occur while under that contract.

    But what have any of the former winners really managed to achieve? So far no Dave Matthews caliber musicians out of the group of past winners.

  • mom133d says:

    You’re not alone Waldo. The only “reality” TV show that I’ve watched is “The Joe Schmoe Show” on Spike TV, where there was really only one contestant, everyone else were actors.

  • OldCottonPicker says:

    I am a fan of American Idol. Sure the early shows are silly and demeaning. But I suspect mostly the multitude of “ain’t going to win no way no how” individuals who end up on those shows do know they can’t win, but probably hope for their 5 minutes of fame.

    TrvlnMn Says:
    “But what have any of the former winners really managed to achieve? So far no Dave Matthews caliber musicians out of the group of past winners.”

    Your comment inspired me to check out the sales charts. Keep in mind that a weeks/current chart is but a snapshot of that time. Although Billboard does show This Week – Last Week – Peak rank – and Weeks on Chart.

    I checked iTunes sales for Ratings. iTunes has become a popular download site for songs of all types.
    In the All Categories list Top 100 there was NO Dave Matthews Band song listed. There were the following American Idols listed. Song titles or Album titles are not being listed.
    #13 Kelly Clarkson; #26 Carrie Underwood; #55 Bo Bice (actually a runner-up behind Carrie Underwood); #68 Kelly Clarkson; and #71 Kelly Clarkson.

    Kelly Clarkson had the #34 Album and Carrie Underwood had the #46 album. No Dave Matthews Album or song in the top 100.

    I realize DMB is a hot group, but TODAY he isn’t there picking up a check like the American Idols are for current sales.

    Then I checked the POP chart 100. Kelly Clarkson was: 3, 13, 14, 21, 24, 34, 83. Carrie Underwood was: 6, 27, 52, 66, 77, 83. Of course no DMB in this category. In the Rock group Bo Bice was 13. No DMB in this Rock group.

    For Albums in the Rock Group: Bo Bice was #44 and DMB was 58.

    I decided to look at the Billboard list. There are so many categories and list types. Under Rock there was no DMB listings. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood showed up in both the Hot 100: KC 19, 26. CU 20.
    In the Top Country: Carrie Underwood was #1 and has been on the charts for 17 weeks.

    My intent is not to put down DMB. No doubt he is great. But to say no American Idol compares is flat out wrong. At least currently according to sales. Over time I am sure the numbers are different.

    Well, at least there is something to fuss at me about. Go to it. I am still going to watch American Idol this year. Check it out. There are some incredible teenage singers this year.

    Carrie has been nominated for some awards on a soon to be Awards show. Name escapes me.

    Their fame may be fleeting. However, today, they are ahead of many good groups/singers who have a great history of music. Maybe. Just maybe they will be fortunate enough to have a successful career like DMB or even, Reba.

    Back to picking cotton.

  • In the All Categories list Top 100 there was NO Dave Matthews Band song listed.

    That’s because their last album, Stand Up, was released a year ago. They’re currently recording their next album. Give it a few months. :)

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