C’ville No Longer “Extremely Overvalued”

No longer does Charlottesville’s real estate market make the cut as “extremely overvalued”, at least in the estimation of the City Housing Valuation Analysis. That dubious distinction was awarded to us last August, when we were ranked 71st in the nation for having real estate prices inflated an estimated 24%. Now we’ve been dropped from the ranking (107k PDF), along with Essex County, MA; Worcester, MA; Jackson, MI;, Portland, ME; and Bay City, MI.

2 Responses to “C’ville No Longer “Extremely Overvalued””

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Nice. Now when I decide to sell my City real estate for 350k I know it’s actually worth 350k.. no more bubble. Of course as a buyer.. that kinda stinks too. I mean 200k for a condo/townhouse? I could spend that much for one and be able to live in Los Angeles, Chicago, or Las Vegas.

  • Sure, but why would you want to?

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