Free Ads Working Again

Because I’m a big dope, I broke the free ads sidebar thingy when I moved the site to BNSI a month ago. This explains the depressing lack of use that the system has gotten in the past month. So if you’ve tried to advertise and gave up when it didn’t work, try again. My apologies.

3 Responses to “Free Ads Working Again”

  • UVA08 says:

    Waldo, this is just a random question without any relevance to this story what-so-ever but I was wondering why there haven’t been any stories on the Virginia governor’s race? The latest Rasmussen Poll (conservative by any standards) has Kaine ahed by 2% (first time hes been ahead all year). I just thought it would be interesting to see how the community feels about the governors race being that, well, Charlottesville is in Virginia. If you want to find a way to make it local, from what Ive seen the only area that Kilgore consistently leads in is Central Virginia.

  • I was wondering why there haven’t been any stories on the Virginia governor’s race?

    Mostly because I cover politics so heavily on my personal blog that it’s just never crossed my mind to write about anything other than strictly-local politics (BoS/Council elections) on, at least not in the past year or two.

    The latest Rasmussen Poll (conservative by any standards) has Kaine ahed by 2% (first time hes been ahead all year).

    Rasmussen had Kaine and Kilgore listed as tied as of September 28. From April through August, they had Kilgore constantly at 6 points ahead, outside of the margin of error. Since then, they’ve been within the MoE (separated by two points each time), so they’ve been functionally tied ever since. Mason-Dixon, on the other hand, had Kaine leading be one point (so, again, within the MoE) in July, though that’s partially because they included Potts in their poll, whereas Rasmussen hadn’t. Potts peaked, though, so he’s really just the MoE at this point. :)

    I guess I’ll figure out something localish to write about the race. Too bad the candidates haven’t debated here or made C’ville an issue or anything like that.

  • UVA08 says:

    Thanks Waldo, I’m bookmarking this other site.

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