Commute Distances to C’ville

In a comment to an earlier discussion, member UVA08 provided a link to a totally cool webpage. The Bureau of Economic Analysis uses census data to determine how far people drive to get to work, and has a page of data about Charlottesville. 1,138 people commute from Buckingham. 199 from Culpeper. 14 from Rappahannock. 381 from Rockingham. 99 from Washington D.C. 28 from Montgomery, MD.

It’s amazing that anybody would commute from Montgomery County, or D.C. And many of the numbers keep increasing.

5 Responses to “Commute Distances to C’ville”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    thank god we don’t have a bypass or even more people will be using OUR roads.

  • UVA08 says:

    If you changed the options to see a single county and where they go to work you will see that in Fluvanna and Greene twice as many people work in Charlottesville-Albemarle than their own county. Anyone else think 29 will be built solid to Ruckersville and 53 will become a major corridor?

  • dsewell says:

    I know someone at UVa who commutes from Lexington (spouse commutes from there to Roanoke, so they live in the middle). There are 25 making that commute as of the 2000 census, but there were 65 in 1990. My guess is that the ConAgra plant in Crozet is the difference–when it was open it employed a lot of people living in the Valley.

  • BusMan says:

    The Terps must get some solid CD/radio time.

  • UVA08 says:

    Interesting news…. The census posted its population estimates on its site and they made no changes to the Charlottesville estimate (still down 3,000 people) Also Nelson county was added to the “Charlottesville Metro Area” (Oddly, Louisa was added to Richmonds). Aside from the city all other localities were growing and growing strong. Albemarle increased from 79,000 to over 88,000 since 2000. Greene went from over 15,000 to over 17,000. Fluvanna went from 20,000 to close to 24,000. Nelson was at 14,400 and grew by about 500 people. As for the city its population allegedly (city members disagree) by 8%….

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