Low Wages, High Expenses

Good news! C’ville exceeds the national average cost of living while keeping wages are unusually low!

Oh. I’m sorry, that’s actually bad news. It sounded really good at first.

Our overheated housing market and the mounting costs of sprawl aren’t helping any. The collapse of Central Virginia manufacturing industry since NAFTA has particularly hurt. While the problems may be clear, the solutions are murky.

Charlotte$$ville…the best city in America you can’t afford.

4 Responses to “Low Wages, High Expenses”

  • blanco_nino says:

    haha…nice to see you’ve adopted my unofficial c’ville slogan for this thread!

  • BusMan says:

    It’s gotta all balance out at somepoint right? At least things are pretty good for renters right now, but anyone early 20s to mid 30s looking to buy a house better have a trust fund.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    i could always sell my first born. Oh wait a sec, it is too expensive to have kids in this area.

  • perlogik says:

    I doesn’t cost much to have kids. It’s raising them that’s expensive.

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