Teen’s Death Warning to Coaches

Last week, 18-year-old Kelly Watt died of the effects of heat stroke, a result of going running on a recent 100° day in Free Union. The surprising death of a healthy, young individual has drawn attention to the dangers of training in such high temperatures. In Saturday’s Daily Progress, Jerry Miller wrote:

“Kelly’s death gave us all cause to consider, ‘Are we doing everything we can?'” Isaacs said. “You can tell area coaches are conscious about it. It’s not the olden days anymore. We’ve been fortunate that we haven’t had any deaths [in football locally], but that’s because we are all overly cautious about things.”

Albemarle football coach Rick Vrhovac added, “It certainly changes your awareness without a doubt.”

Kelly was an intern at The Hook last summer and their sports columnist (“Sports Wrap”) for the past year. Here’s one of his last columns.

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