Brian Wheeler Takes to Blogging

Brian Wheeler, at-large member of the Albemarle School Board, is well-known as somebody who is technologically savvy. Now he’s taken it up a notch, and today kicked off his SchoolMatters Weblog, a blog about the Albemarle County public schools. That makes him, I believe, the first elected official in the area to take up blogging.

I know I’ve said this before, but if we get enough people blogging in Charlottesville — and we have a lot of blogs here now — and they represent a broad cross-spectrum of the area, I’ll be happy to see rendered useless.

2 Responses to “Brian Wheeler Takes to Blogging”

  • perlogik says:

    This is not a new blog. He had the same blog several years ago. But it seem to go away when he ran for school board. It will be interesting to see how the blog of an elcted official effects politics.

  • My SchoolMatters broadcast email list has been going since early 2000 and now has over 800 subscribers. Then I built the website ( for my School Board campaign in 2003. I think the weblogs take constituent communications to a whole new level. Brian

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