Money Magazine: We’re #90

Liz writes: “Well, Money Magazine has released the 2005 edition of “Best Places to Live”. Charlottesville ranked number 90 this year. Any thoughts on why? Have they been listening to us?”

I don’t think much of their ranking metric (ie, number of libraries vs. books per capita; or number of restaurants, vs. restaurants per capita), but I’m just as happy to see us way down on the list. Let unsustainable growth be Moorestown, New Jersey‘s problem.

10 Responses to “Money Magazine: We’re #90”

  • dsewell says:

    It’s basically a list of the 100 Best Places to Live if You Have Lots of Money and Don’t Like Living Around Poor People. AKA the list of Virtual Gated Communities. They more or less admit as much: “Our focus on income, crime rates and education rendered meaningless any comparisons between big cities and the relatively affluent suburbs or small cities that make up this list. Big cities couldn’t compete on those particular numbers and, of course, they offer plenty of quality-of-life benefits that suburbs don’t have. We’ll look at big cities as part of another project in the future.”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    Cville area might be number #90 but I still consider this area #1 on cheapskates. I have been in the service industry for going on 4 years. And the people in this area seems to try to bargin the price down almost every other person. I don’t get it. Why are you so cheap Cville? Yet you have no problem selling homes over 350k that would be 200k 50 miles outside our area. And we have morons buying these OVERPRICE homes. Maybe that is why they are so cheap, they have no money.

  • perlogik says:

    Having worked in the service industry I think that Charlottesville is a fine town for tipping. I am amazed how much some people actually do make. The house are worth 350k because that what people pay for them. People buy these OVERPRICED homes because of places like NoVa not Orange.

    I would argue that this area is becomeing overbuilt in terms of apartments. Rents seem to sideways, if not down in soome olders areas that now have to compete against newer, feature laden apartments thta have just come on line.

    Is cville expensive, you bet! the fact that people try to bargain has little to due with what they pay. People like deals and there is nothing wrong with asking.

  • Jack says:

    This is great! Next year we should shoot for getting off of the list altogether. I don’t know why so many people in Charlottesville crow about getting to the top of lists like these. Why do we want a huge influx of people moving here from across the country, driving up the cost of housing and pushing up taxes through their demands for new infrastructure? Let’s just skip to the chase and run every dollar bill in our bank accounts directly through a paper shredder. Extra points if you drive to work at 5 mph to simulate the traffic that you’re in for!

    At the end of the day, these lists serve the purpose of eventually driving us out of the community that we helped to create.

    I propose that we change the name of the city of Charlottesville to ‘Anal Fissure.’ Because c’mon, who is going to seriously consider moving to a place called ‘Anal Fissure?’ Magazines won’t even want to print the name and we’ll get knocked off of all those stuid lists immediately.

  • cvilletransplant says:

    Charlottesville loves lists, unnecessary committees, boards and just about everything else that doens’t matter in the long run. It’s amazing this place even made it back on a list of top places to live.

    For visitors, this has to be one of the most difficult towns to get around… street names that change every time you enter a new development or area. Nothing is consistent! Nor is any major roadway able to handle traffic flow.

    Charlottesville’s prosperity is the result of a fine academic institution and the rampant expansion of DC. I enjoy living here, but it’s because I have to and nothing more.

  • mom133d says:

    Oh, don’t get me started on street names! Not only do they change at every intersection, we have too many of the same name. I pity the visitor who is directed to Rugby something. Would that be Rd, Ave, Cir, or Pl? Was that Pine Lane or Pine Street?

  • cvilletransplant says:

    EXACTLY mom133d!

    Whoever in city government decided it was wise to allow every and any developer to name streets was out of control and out of their mind.
    I’ve never heard city managers address the problem.
    The entire scenario seems to present problems for emergency responders. Way to go Charlottesville! Getting around here is a real drag, from the traffic to figuring out where the hell something actually is.

  • Jay says:

    The road name situation is not much better in the county. There are THREE intersections of Reas Ford and Reas Ford roads (some spelled Rays, some lanes, drives, etc.) but confusing all the same!

  • cviller says:

    Outside of larger grid-like cities and tiny podunks, every town has strange street name/intersection/etc issues. Once you know where you’re going here it’s not that bad (much like most other places). What makes it painful is the streets that can’t handle the number of drivers/cars/joggers/bike riders. Expansion prior to planning and infrastructure development makes it difficult to live here sometimes.

    Nonetheless, Charlottesville is a much better place to live (not just drive around) than either of the last two places I’ve spent time. When I moved back, my first thought was “How’d they clean the whole place so well?” People are generally nicer (as a whole), they work relatively hard (at most levels), and most things around town work pretty well.

    I love living here when I had to leave the last time, and it will be hard to leave again.

    But I do agree with Jack’s “Anal Fissure” idea.

  • Lars says:

    Maybe our policy of not building any roads is paying off. We’re literally annoying people out of moving here.

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