Al’s Morning Meeting

Here’s a tip for all of you who work for local media,

I’m a big fan of the Poynter Institute, and I just discovered a great service that they offer, in the form of Al’s Morning Meeting. It’s a daily column (M-F) about what’s going on in the world, presented in the format of what would make a good story. Al Tompkins provides questions for journalists to follow up on and potential angles for local media to use to make the story relevant to their region. You can even subscribe to get it by e-mail every day.

If you’re in media, Al’s Morning Meeting should be a part of your morning read.

2 Responses to “Al’s Morning Meeting”

  • cvilletransplant says:

    I doubt many in the journalism business are unaware of the great and useful tool Al’s Morning Meeting is. It’s used practically everyday by thousands of writers (even in Charlottesville).

  • Waldo says:


    It’s the newbies I worry about — the just-out-of-J-school kids working at ABC/CBS/Fox. But I don’t work in journalism (locally or otherwise), so for all I know, they get a crash course that includes things like reading the local blogs, and keeping up with Romenesko and Al’s Morning Meeting. :)

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