Council to Appoint Superintendent Committee

At last night’s City Council meeting, it was announced that an advisory committee will be put together to help the School Board find a replacement for outgoing superintendent Scottie Griffin. In today’s Progress, James Fernald writes:

The committee will include two School Board members, a former school board member, a former city councilor, a PTO council representative, a city school staff member, the city manager and a representative from an organization involved with low-income families.

Board chair Dede Smith has said that they’re not going to consider race or sex in their hiring (which would be illegal to do, wouldn’t it?), but fellow board member Muriel Wiggins says that, on the contrary, the new superintendent must be black.

This will end in tears.

3 Responses to “Council to Appoint Superintendent Committee”

  • Teachcville says:

    Here we go again – where are the principals in this?

    Now any Caucasian, Native American, Asian, etc. candidate can sue if they don’t get it because of these statements.
    Get over it- hire the best person. Maybe it should be a super who is not white or black- then we could put the whites and the blacks together as a unified front against the next super- better yet lets hire someone from mixed race- then what would people do if they weren’t a half decent leader?

  • ccsteachr says:

    Well I hope a thorough background check is performed on all candidates. No stone should be left unturned and the public needs to be informed and aware of these findings prior to hiring anyone. Everything from shady vendor dealings to sexual harrassment MUST be looked at. We dont want another situation of discovering “past history” when it is too late. The next Superintendent needs to be CLEAN as a whistle with integrity and fairness as a key attribute, regardless of skin color and gender.

  • cornelious says:

    “Board chair Dede Smith has said that they’re not going to consider race or sex in their hiring (which would be illegal to do, wouldn’t it?), but fellow board member Muriel Wiggins says that, on the contrary, the new superintendent must be black.”

    I am pleased to see the Chair has outlined strict guidance and is pulling the board together – or should that be “puling”

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