Jackson Declares Candidacy for ’06

Sometimes, the parody just writes itself. A year and a half before the election, Kenneth Jackson has declared his candidacy for City Council as an independent. Jackson, along with Ann Reinicke, ran as a Republican in the last election, but both were soundly defeated by the Democrats, with Jackson receiving just 10% of the vote. Helping nothing was the Daily Progress‘ February ’04 revelation that then-candidate Jackson had been convicted of assault and battery four times over the course of a decade, three times with a knife. The best thing that he had going for him in the race was a bizarre endorsement by the very newspaper that revealed his penchant for stabbings, who asked, hilariously, “What other candidate has seen the law enforcement system, the court system, the social services system from the perspective of somebody in trouble?” Jackson intends to use the leftover money from his ’04 race to start off his ’06 race. The Charlottesville Republicans, who have the cash, will likely beg to differ. John Yellig had the story in yesterday’s Progress.

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