Council to Support Repeal of Civil Union Ban

At tonight’s City Council meeting, council will take up the matter of whether to issue a resolution asking the General Assembly to repeal HB 751, Del. Bob Marshall‘s (R-Manassas) bill that was signed into law earlier this year that prohibits any “arrangement between persons of the same sex purporting to bestow the privileges or obligations of marriage.” The law has resulted in much protest, notably because the law seems to ban any contract between two people of the same sex that provides a benefit of marriage (tenancy by the entirety, living wills, joint adoption, etc.) Del. Marshall, when asked by Del. Brian Moran (D-Alexandria) to explain precisely what contracts that he intended to outlaw, said only “I am not accountable for the gentleman’s lack of enlightenment or understanding.” It’s a safe assumption that this resolution will pass. Neither Rob Schilling nor Charlottesville Republican Committee Bob Hodous would talk to the Progress about the resolution. John Yellig has the story in today’s Progress. 11/16 Update: They did it.

43 Responses to “Council to Support Repeal of Civil Union Ban”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    you have to love Charlottesville. We are the center of the universe.

  • urbanitas says:

    I think its time for Charlottesville residents to issue a resolution asking City Council to stop campaigning for higher office and do what we elected them to do.

    Do we need to draw these idiots a map of where their jurisdiction ends?

  • Sympatico says:

    yeah. I think we should tell them to charge all those homosexuals for their work, goddamit! we, the real people of Charlottesville, deserve their undivided attention, sheeeeeeeit!

  • Sympatico says:

    yo! and btw, that republican chick using the city phones and her time to contact voters to vote red, yeah, she’s doing her sheeeeeeit correctamundo, goddammit!

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    i don’t disagree with you Sympator with

    but what the heck is "sheeeeeeeit", you finally coming to the dark side of red neckism?

  • Sympatico says:

    there’s a sayin: if yo cant beet’em, joyn’em. and my taxes are mahch lowa with busheeeit.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    did you stop your medical treatment? You know what happens when you stop taking your pills.

  • Sympatico says:

    uh…heeeeee… hawwwwwww!

    what? you mean I get stupid like 53% of Americans. I thought this was a mejorritti thing here. yoo nohw; deemockeracy!!!!!!

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    he has lost it ladies and gentlemen.

    though it is kinda funny

  • Waldo says:

    I’ve started to moderate his comments down as -1, Troll. There’s no point in trying to engage in discussion with him at this point.

  • Sympatico says:

    Good for you, young man! Take a stand! The last time we had a so-called discussion, I seem to recall you evaded and slinked away after not getting your way.

    It is quite plain why you have never liked having me on this blog: I’m just too controversial for you. You like to think you have an open forum but you cultivate the localized little crap; whenever it reaches further than the length of your schnauzer, you freak out.

    Look at the sheer stupidity of most of the posts and their authors. Yet you are almost smug at their presence.

    Take my advice: go for Republican next round and quit the fake liberal stance. You are only really kidding yourself and wasting time when you could already be up the ladder in that sphere. You may think you are hip, being still in college, but I wager the pro-life, god-fearing, America über alles will surface sooner or later.

  • urbanitas says:

    The site is ‘cvillenews’ – localized is the point. We could all go to any number of places to read posts about global politics. Keep insulting and making an ass out of yourself Sympertor, I don’t care – but Waldo is actually doing something by hosting this project. If he was really opposed to you and having an open forum, I’m sure he could quickly remove you. Think about it.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    I am still waiting for the CC to make that resolution that says Charlottesville will not consider Bush as president for the 4 years since 72% voted for Kerry in our fine city.

  • Sympatico says:

    "Think about it"? you kid me not? you… are… telling me… to ‘think’? Lordy lordy, the nutcases are truly in charge of the asylum. You people are so ‘local’, the inbred thought-processes are a reflection of your smallness. All the horrors of the world have always been brought about by such isolated, self-serving, inbred thinking patterns.

    And I am waiting for Waldo to deny me access. That would confirm he is just a fake free-thinker and a lousy free-spirit. Like the rest of you here!!!

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    Cvillenews w/o Sympatico

    nooooo, that could never happen

  • urbanitas says:

    Who would entertain us?

    I need my serving of elitest, alarmist drivel and incoherent, ranting contradiction. I love to picture Symp typing furiously, getting red in the face, and maybe crying a little. Then back to work on the manifesto until someone responds. He has all the world’s answers in there, but he doesn’t plan to share it with us peons – only with the Martians when they pick him up on the night of the next eclipse. He’ll be the one in the pyramidal hat.

  • Sympatico says:

    I love to picture Symp typing furiously, getting red in the face, and maybe crying a little. Then back to work on the manifesto until someone responds.

    At times, the second part may hold some truth (for 30 minutes max, maybe). But I don’t recall once getting actually upset. YOU make ME laugh probably more than the other way around. You people see the world through myopic, almost opaque spectacles. And as for crying, I can recall doing that throughout my life on the finger of my 2 hands (my children’s birth and other such life altering events).

    And for the record, no matter how many of you say I somewhat entertain you, Waldo will pull the plug on my membership. You see, he has no other choice. This forum is not about discussing a lot of original ideas openly, it’s about him getting the issues he wants discussed and oriented in the direction and light he wants them put forth. They’re typically revolving around some minor local deadbeat affair. But with me here, he has lost some of the control he wants (and he craves so much)!!!

  • Sympatico says:

    with the Martians when they pick him up on the night of the next eclipse

    if this forum had a worldwide audience, YOU would be the weird ones, not me. do you have any clue or are you really just so provincial?

  • cornelious says:

    We are amused.

  • blanco_nino says:

    man, you’re like a dixie chick. you spout off in a privately owned forum, then ***** when the owner of said forum shuts you up. "help! help! i’m bein’ repressed!!!" you wanna spew, then you start shellin’ out $20 a month to run your own forum.

    you’re even starting to talk like a dixie chick too.

  • Sympatico says:

    I’m not complaining, you piss ant. You are.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    whoa, Sympator is really losing it now, he just called someone a ‘piss ant’.

    What the heck is a ‘piss ant’?

    I don’t think you should ban him. Come on, he is hilarous.

  • Waldo says:

    No. See, in order to disagree with you, you’d have to say something. In the past 24 hours, you’ve posted bullshit. You’re trolling, and it’s pathetic. You’re welcome to your opinions. But if you continue posting garbage (“my taxes are mahch lowa with busheeeit,” “uh…heeeeee… hawwwwwww!,” “Hitler Jugend!!! Sie müßen diese Kinder wohl machen!!!”), you’re wasting my time and my server. You may no more do so on my server than I may walk into your living room and take a shit on your couch. You are a guest. My one requirement is that you engage in discussion, and not post garbage.

    This is a discussion board for people who want to engage in discussion. Once you cease to attempt to engage in discussion, you’re gone. I throw off 10 people a week from the boards for that very reason. is no different.

    Either engage in discussion or keeping trolling, in which case you’re gone. It’s that simple.

    You may now proceed to spin your Sympatico(tm) brand conspiracy theories about how I’m in league with the Charlottesville Media Illuminati and intentionally suppressing your right to free speech, which I so deeply fear, because I am the enemy of all that is good and well.

  • blanco_nino says:

    yes, you are complaining.

  • Sympatico says:

    No. See, in order to disagree with you, you’d have to say something. In the past 24 hours, you’ve posted bullshit. You’re trolling, and it’s pathetic. You’re welcome to your opinions. But if you continue posting garbage (“my taxes are mahch lowa with busheeeit,” “uh…heeeeee… hawwwwwww!,” “Hitler Jugend!!! Sie müßen diese Kinder wohl machen!!!”), you’re wasting my time and my server. You may no more do so on my server than I may walk into your living room and take a shit on your couch. You are a guest. My one requirement is that you engage in discussion, and not post garbage.

    This is a discussion board for people who want to engage in discussion. Once you cease to attempt to engage in discussion, you’re gone. I throw off 10 people a week from the boards for that very reason. is no different.

    Either engage in discussion or keeping trolling, in which case you’re gone. It’s that simple.

    You may now proceed to spin your Sympatico(tm) brand conspiracy theories about how I’m in league with the Charlottesville Media Illuminati and intentionally suppressing your right to free speech, which I so deeply fear, because I am the enemy of all that is good and well.

    I am saying something, but you and your trolls don’t want to hear it

    Sure, it is your right to throw me off of your server, but the comparison with taking a crap in your living room is complete, utter nonsense. I won’t even stoop down and explain it to you.

    The allusion to my paying lower taxes is due to the fact that I will pay MUCH LOWER TAXES under Bush. See, I make a lot of money. But what is blindingly stupid, is you, your online cronies here and the rest of stupid America does not realize the severity of the situation. So, my take is I’ll enjoy the ride ON YOUR BACKS and when you people wake up in the middle of real shit, you will wonder where the protesters were.

    I can also see that German is as foreign to you and probably 99% of you all here as to NOT understand the allusion to Hitler’s Jugend, or Hitler’s Youth. They were indoctrinated at very young age and the discussion was providing a linkage to some organization somewhere performing some newfangled experiment with our kids. If you had any children, you’d know that this kind of experimentation happens all the time in American schools. Instead of using time-tested methods of learning and providing ample educational environments, groups all over America are attempting to play with this all-important endeavor, most often in the name of cost-savings or other bullshits crappola.

    It’s not what you see or are shown that is really what is going on anywhere anymore. You think Enron, Insurance Scandals or Fannie Mae are simply irrgeularities? The sheeple will never see the slaughter house until it’s too late.

    Lastly, I have no conspiracy theory about you and Charlottesville media; although there could easily be one. No, I submitted one single topic – about The Hook’s unprofessional journalism and unethical ties with the very subjects they “report” on (in this case, cville’s restaurants) with a specific example of fabricated reporting (The Atomic Burrito was oooh’ed and aaaahh’ed when the place wasn’t even open, fer crying out loud) and you deliberately chose to not discuss in on Why? Because they link to your site? What then?

    I wanted to open a discussion on how our American Institutions have been hijacked by a two-faced monster: rightwing extremists assisted by a popular laxism exemplified by the breakdown of ethics and professionalism.

    But you are right about one thing: this is indeed your pathetic server and your lame redneck audience. I think I said I would take a hiatus a couple years back. Maybe I’ll make this one permanent. I sure know you won’t miss me. Adieu, stupido!

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    "your lame redneck audience"

    I should get into Nascar. Though I can never understand the concept of a car driving in a circle.

  • CL2595 says:

    I like sympactico I think a lot of what he posts is well interesting…. im surprised everyones lashing out against someone else for a change…

  • CL2595 says:


  • cornelious says:

    Look again.

  • blanco_nino says:

    the troll’s angry!!!!

    although you still didn’t write so much that you needed a link to see the rest of your rant…like CL usually does.

  • Waldo says:

    I submitted one single topic – about The Hook’s unprofessional journalism and unethical ties with the very subjects they “report” on (in this case, cville’s restaurants) with a specific example of fabricated reporting (The Atomic Burrito was oooh’ed and aaaahh’ed when the place wasn’t even open, fer crying out loud) and you deliberately chose to not discuss in on Why? Because they link to your site? What then?

    This is so pathetic that I barely know where to begin. The Hook wrote a story about a restaurant before it opened, because they got an advance tasting. This happens a lot — it’s how restaurants get hyped. The restaurant opened a week late. The very next week, The Hook ran a story saying “d’oh, it’s opening late.” You submitted a story about how this was evidence of the Second Coming of Christ, or something along those lines. I rejected it, because The Hook addressed the story in their issue a day later.

    My God, man. You look for conspiracies everywhere, and they turn up like the face of the Virgin Mary on grilled cheese sandwiches. No matter how many times I address this, you’ll forget it, and renew your conspiracy all over again. It’s like Memento.

    One more time: I don’t care about your opinion about things. If I wanted to lock down people’s opinions so that I could rule The World (muahahahaha!), I’d ban all of the conservatives or end commenting entirely. Half of what you say is nonsense, but at least it’s in English. It’s when you troll that I moderate down your remarks. Don’t be an ass and there won’t be a problem.

    Is that so hard?

  • BetterLife says:

    Go f**k yourself. *****.

  • IamDaMan3 says:


  • IamDaMan3 says:

    "but at least it’s in English"

    so what you are saying is that we the OTHER posters don’t speak any English?


  • harry says:

    "This forum is not about discussing a lot of original ideas openly, it’s about him getting the issues he wants discussed and oriented in the direction and light he wants them put forth. They’re typically revolving around some minor local deadbeat affair."

    Exactly. This site is called "" for a reason. It’s not about "a lot of original ideas". It’s about parochial affairs in the news in one small-to-medium sized city. Waldo puts most of them forth. It’s his site and he focuses a fair bit of his attention on it. More attention, I dare say, than any other frequent or occasional reader pays. That said, others do contribute stories, many with their own spin, provided they fit the local focus of the site.

    That said, for anyone to think that Waldo’s life or interests are limited to local Charlottesville news, would be a real mistake in thinking. He’s had a history of active involvement in free speech issues, sexual freedom issues, electronic communications, small business, rural preservation, voting rights… I could go on.

    Those issues aren’t the focus of this forum. Many readers welcome the opportunity to comment on local issues that relate to our daily lives. Traffic, schools, law enforcement, commerce, crime… To categorize these issues as "minor local deadbeat affair(s)" says more about the writer than it does about the site or its proprietor. We’d be better off without the vitriol, don’t you think?

  • CL2595 says:

    Yes im calling you out

    what is your problem lady or man???? For god sakes back off…

    "although you still didn’t write so much that you needed a link to see the rest of your rant…like CL usually does."

    Have you read an Anne Coulter book lately, watched Bill Oreilly, Scorboroh, Hannity and the other guy who says very little, listen to the right call democrats liberal elites who have no moral values?????? PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK…. For years the republican party has been bashing the democrats calling us everything from immoral to traitors…. But god forbid the democrats have a back bone and say what they feel in a forcefull way… I believe strongly in what I say and its my damn right to do it….. Find anything that I have written that you think is a lie and I will either apoligize or give u the source for the information…. Dont call me a damn liar if you have nothing to back it up with…. I tried being polite and "exchange ideas politely" but you people wont let me… You always refer to me in your posts in a snobby way and denounce my opinions and arguements….. Oh no Im ranting again… god forbid I have an opinion longer than a clever punch line or some insulting one liner

  • CL2595 says:

    and just to avoid the arguement I understand that you didnt call me a liar in THAT post… I have been called a liar before on this site so that part goes out to anyone who thinks im a liar….

  • blanco_nino says:

    …not a liar.

  • blanco_nino says:

    you can say whatever you want. doesn’t bother me. just as long as you can admit that democrats are just as guilty of trying to silence opposing opinions as republicans are. we’re not the only threat to free speech in the world. but that’s neither here nor there. i’m quite happy that you have such strong opinions. and i’m not trying to silence them. rather, i’m simply pointing out that a. you have a tendency to be long winded, and b. you tend to rant. call it what you want, "being passionate about your beliefs," etc. etc. whatever. I see it as ranting. but that’s just me. i have a different opionion. which is a concept you seem to have trouble grasping sometimes. just because i don’t agree with you doesn’t mean i’m write and you’re wrong, or vice versa.

    i give you grief on here b/c you’re easy to get a rise out of. hell, if everybody just laid down every time an opposing viewpoint popped up responding to them, this’d be a pretty dead forum. i actually commend your moxie. but the bottom line is that you and i will most likely never agree to much of anything, so the sparring will continue. i just hope we can keep it civil enough that waldo doesn’t boot us outta here.

  • CL2595 says:

    Ha ha yeah we dont want to get kicked out of here by Waldo… I see what you mean… You call my stuff ranting because you dont agree with it…I will admit that my straight forwardness, what is rude to others, is a big part of what pissed people off about the democrats this year. While I dont agree with their arguement that they voted for Bush because they were tired of being called stupid I can see where that would get offensive…. To smooth things over I will say that I do see your point on hate crimes (I disagree for perhaps emotional reasons). This is what John Stewart was talking about people arguing instead of exchanging viewpoints… To be honest I agree with things the Republicans believe in on some moral issues but as far as helping others, health care, education, and for a sad fact that I have a somewhat of a genuine distrust of the Republican party [long story and list ill save the ranting on that issue ; ) ]

    To put it straight I would prefer a candidate who speaks what they feel, is educated, doesnt have such a favoring for the rich, very committed to education system ( I believe a majority of our problems could be solved if the poor could have a chance at a different life through education. I understand people would disagree with me on the adults but at least give the kids a chance. In many poor city schools there arnet enough books and chairs for all students) I understand that people disagree with me but I have deep belief that education is the key to getting what you want and need in this country and the fact is a lot of kids in urban Richmond or Atlanta for example, dont have the same oppurtunities and luxaries as a kid who goes to oh I dont know Albemarle county or suburban Fairfax schools… Im not saying its the fault of Albemarle or Fairfax that they have money but its not the fault of the kids who go to Richmond or inner cities schools that they dont have any…. WAY off subject but there you go

  • CL2595 says:

    And by the way I never said I wanted to "take away your keyboard"…. I dont remember saying anything like that… People have to right to say what they want regardless of who it offends…. So if thats what you meant by hypocrite Im yet again confused….

  • blanco_nino says:

    you never said you wanted to take away my keyboard. i said i wasn’t trying to take away your keyboard, meaning my posts aren’t designed to shut you up or stifle your opinions. rather, i’m just expressing opposing viewpoints.

    as for the hypocrite statement, i can’t remember what thread i said it in, or what exactly brought it about. i think it got cycled off the main page, and i don’t really feel like looking for it. so i’ll just let it go and speak no more of it.

  • CL2595 says:

    "you never said you wanted to take away my keyboard. i said i wasn’t trying to take away your keyboard, meaning my posts aren’t designed to shut you up or stifle your opinions. rather, i’m just expressing opposing viewpoints. "

    My posts arent designed to shut people up they are there to give you my point of view. If people cant respond or disprove them then thats their problem not mine…..

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