Hurricane Camille redivivus?

dsewell writes: Not to panic you all or anything, but take a look at this NOAA image of the track of Hurricane Camille in 1969, and compare it to today’s set of computer models of Ivan’s track, especially the one in red… Of course, the odds it will follow this precise track are slim. We’ll know in a few days…

2 Responses to “Hurricane Camille redivivus?”

  • Lars says:

    If you’re not going to be alarmist, I will be.

    Hurricane Camille killed 121 people in Nelson county ALONE. It dumped 31 inches of rain in six hours. The rainfall total was the equivalent of what the nearby James River deposits into the Chesapeake Bay in six months (1.2 trillion gallons of water).

    Exhibit A

    Exhibit B

  • fdr says:

    Even if Ivan follows Camille’s path, the warning system is much better than it was 25 years ago. Yes, there could be a lot of damage if the hurricane comes through here, but this time around, people should receive enough warning by radio, TV, phone tree, etc. to get to safety. (And if they don’t pay attention to the warnings, well, that’s natural selection in action.)

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