Lawsuit Over Rapist DNA Testing

Charlottesville resident Larry Monroe has filed suit against Detective James Mooney for harassment, alleging that Mooney repeatedly sought a DNA sample from Monroe to remove himself from the pool of potential suspects in the rape case, despite Monroe’s refusals and the fact that he does not substantially resemble the rapist. His attorney, Deborah Wyatt, says that the detective’s actions were not those of the police department, and is seeking just $15,000 in damages. The fact that somebody would file suit has seemed all-but-inevitable, after the national press that the Charlottesville Police got because of this profiling before they suspended the testing in April. Liesel Nowak had the story in Wednesday’s Progress.

Disclosure: Deborah Wyatt represented me in Schleifer vs. City of Charlottesville, the youth curfew case, some years ago.

4 Responses to “Lawsuit Over Rapist DNA Testing”

  • cornelious says:

    "Charlottesville resident Larry Monroe has filed suit against Detective James Mooney for harassment, alleging that Mooney repeatedly sought a DNA sample from Monroe to remove himself from the pool of potential suspects in the rape case"

    If the Progress originated this sentence they should be sued .

  • Waldo says:

    No, I’m the idiot. :) Writing it, I knew it was stupid and convoluted, but I also knew that I had work to due on midterms, and so stupid and convoluted would have to do the trick.

  • dkachur says:

    I guess that’s the same reason that Charlottesville is still heading towards financial ‘trobule’?

  • Waldo says:

    Oops. Thanks. :)

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