Fridays After 5 Apparently Intact

After control of the downtown amphitheater was turned over to Coran Capshaw a few weeks ago, it was unclear what the future of Fridays After 5 would be, or if it even had a future at all. But after a meeting last week between the Charlottesville Downtown Foundation and a representative of Capshaw’s, it appears that all is well, if uncertain. The two parties agree to work together to continue the free weekly concerts, but it’s not clear whether they’ll continue to happen every single Friday, who will book the acts, and other logistical issues. It is clear, though, that the mission of Fridays After 5 will continue to be to support area non-profits. Lisa Provence has the story in the current issue of The Hook.

2 Responses to “Fridays After 5 Apparently Intact”


    Coran needs to physically TAKE FAF from the CDF! The CDF has done nothing but screwed the bands that played there! Last year’s debacle with charging us was simple mis-management.

    Good Riddance CDF! Go back to your shops.

  • blanco_nino says:

    coran set up us the bomb.

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