BOV Promises Student Housing

UVa has announced a new plan to guarantee on-grounds housing for all first and second year students, beginning with this fall’s incoming class. The school has provided insufficient levels of housing in the past, which has left 2nd year students living off campus that would rather live on-campus. This isn’t just a problem for the students, but it works to drive up rental prices throughout Charlottesville. UVa doesn’t expect any major changes to result from this guarantee, but it is a step towards reducing the upward pressure that the school places on the housing market. Kathleen Meyers has the story in today’s Progress.

1 Response to “BOV Promises Student Housing”

  • Belle says:

    Look for the new student housing complexes to be built from the Emmet/Ivy corner toward the new basketball stadium. This has been in the plan for years . . .

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