Trouble at The Prism

It seems that all is not well at The Prism Coffeehouse. Courteney Stewart’s cover story in this week’s Hook reports on a schism that has developed in the board over the board elections, which has been exacerbated by the frustrations of Fred Boyce, who has long run the Charlottesville musical institution. There is even concern that The Prism may become homeless, should they fall out of the good graces of the church next door, who provides the use of the building. Is this just a bump in a long road, or worse?

4 Responses to “Trouble at The Prism”

  • ginseng_sullivan says:

    Bylaws rock. There’s really no point in staying a family-run, labor-of-love operation when you can have elections and audits.

    And at some point, after so many good works and donations of money and instruments, you feel owed and you want the buzz that only elections can provide.

  • ddawg says:

    The Prism is one of my absolute favorite places on the planet to see music. There aren’t many places where you can see incredible musicians just inches away from you in a smoke-free environment. I do hope that the powers-that-be get all of this mess straightened out. It would be a shame if such a wonderful venue fell by the wayside because of malcontent or large egos.

    My concern about the Prism comes from the rise in ticket prices for shows there and the emergence of the Gravity Lounge as a great venue for folk/acoustic music. Gravity could prove to be trouble for the Prism. They get great acts and often have cheap shows – Old School Freight Train, Jan Smith, and other local bands often play there for less than 10 bucks. Some folks, like me, are on a budget and can’t routinely shell out 18-20 bucks for a show.

    Anyway, there’s my two cents.

  • Big_Al says:

    If you want that good ol’ tax-exempt status, there are rules you have to follow. That’s what by-laws are for. In most cases, if you don’t like them, they’re easy enough to change and remain well within the law. If the powers-that-be prefer to ignore them instead, it’s pretty hard to have much sympathy when somebody entitled to do so calls them on it.

  • blanco_nino says:

    GL is a great place to see bands. plus they serve alcohol, which is another big plus. and, if the band you paid $10 to see sucks, you can always grab a book and read until their set is over.

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