ELF Attacks Hollymead Center

A couple of weeks ago, the much-debated Hollymead Town Center project, a huge shopping center under development in Hollymead (which is not, in fact, a town) was the victim of some $30,000 in vandalism. But it wasn’t your regular vandalism — the perps left a banner reading “Your construction = long-term destruction — ELF.” The Earth Liberation Front describes themselves as “an international underground organization that uses direct action in the form of economic sabotage to stop the destruction of the natural environment.” They estimate that they’ve done $100M in damage to those businesses who “profit from the destruction of life and the planet.” ELF issued a press release taking credit for the attack, describing the action as “part of the ELF’s ongoing actions against large-scale developments going up at the expense of what little green space is left in North America.” Lisa Provence has the story in The Hook.

6 Responses to “ELF Attacks Hollymead Center”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    HA, commando hippies on the loose! Well, the day they actually kill a innocent, all hell will break loose.

    BTW, what a lame name ELF. "I am part of a mass terrorist organization called ELF, hear me roar".

    UPDATE in the other news – There are still people on the construction site of the HTC working. I guess ELF’s raid didn’t work.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    Oh yeah, WOW nice link to the HTC site. Boy I forgot how many people here didnt’ want that thing. Yet Best Buy and Albemarle Town Center were going to take the cake.


  • dkachur says:


    ELF’s goal is a noble one, but their tactics suck. "Economic sabotage" equals info campaigns, boycotting and the like. While I agree that the environment should be protected, and that many people, including the developers of large shopping malls, are causing massive harm to the environment without considering the long-term consequences, resorting to violence only discredits the cause. Why should I pay attention to any group like ELF as anything other than a bunch of vandals? Committing violence in the name of environmentalism simply hurts the cause.

  • BurntHombre says:

    BTW, what a lame name ELF. “I am part of a mass terrorist organization called ELF, hear me roar”.

    Almost as stupid as the Animal Liberation Front.

    One word for these folks: losers!

  • blanco_nino says:

    and if they get caught, they should be treated like terrorists. ship em off to guantanamo!

  • CL2595 says:

    Where are all of the people that think some grownth in Charlottesville is ok? Now im not suggesting that we should become New York City or anything but I at least would like to be able to go shopping without driving an hour to Richmond or Fredericksburg. The county is losing tons of tax dollars (which they could be using to fix the horrible traffic in many places) because people spend their money out of town rather than here. You all should really visit the sites of the new centers. http://www.albemarleplace.com http://www.northpointecharlottesville.com. I graduated from high school recently and you would be surprised how having nothing to do affects teens (drinking habits). Now in my opinion the county and city are very hard on developers and I feel that all the old conservative-types should stop trying to stiffle growth. WE ARE A LONNNNGGG WAY from becoming a major city!

    One last thing.. As a resident along Rio Road, I am tired of people holding back this meadowcreek parkway because they dont like the idea of a narrow strip being paved to ease congestion on Rio. Most, if not all, of the people who complain probably live no where near the hectic congested Rio Road. Imagine siting in front of your neighborhood for 10 minutes just because you want to turn left and the traffic is so heavy.

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