Weed Kicks Off Congressional Campaign

On Saturday, Al Weed officially launched his campaign for U.S. Congress, running against Republican incumbent Virgil Goode. Weed spent the day making a series of kickoff announcements in Martinsville, Danville, South Boston, Farmville, Rustburg, Lovingston, and ending up in Charlottesville. The Democrat is a Nelson County farmer who has spent 42 years on active and reserve duty in the army (including serving in special ops). David Dadurka has the story in today’s Progress.

Disclaimer: I volunteer for Al Weed’s campaign.

8 Responses to “Weed Kicks Off Congressional Campaign”

  • harry says:

    If you could create a candidate custom-made for the 5th District, what would that candidate look like? A soldier with 42 years of military service, stretching from Vietnam to Bosnia? A resident of the rural part of the district? A farmer, who understands the land and works with his hands? A businessman, who worked with legislators to foster the wine industry in Virginia?

    Al Weed is destined for this race. He’s the real deal.

    Not to be too picky, but the Daily Progress article seems to have some facts wrong, though. Al Weed did not seek the nomination for Congress in 2002. Also, I don’t believe that he ran away from home at age 7 to be a farmer. According to the campaign website, he was in the 7th grade, which would probably make him about 14. Seven-year-olds generally don’t make good farmers.

  • Belle says:

    Has there been indication in the press (or the candidates’ websites) about current polling in this race? I’m curious, and looking for some hope.

    (Disclaimer: I think Virgil ‘Guuuhde’ is a despicable specimen of a congress-critter.)

  • Belle says:

    Harry writes: ‘[…] A soldier with 42 years of military service, stretching from Vietnam to Bosnia …’

    Ask Max Cleland about that variety of Teflon.

  • harry says:

    What George Bush and Saxby Chambliss did to Max Cleland is one of the most shameful examples of political mudslinging I’ve ever seen. How badly did they want that seat? I suspect that, particularly if John Kerry gets the nomination, the final chapter in that tale has yet to be written.

    And, if anybody thinks they can attack the patriotism of Al Weed, they’re picking the wrong battle with the wrong guy.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    I wonder if Weed ever inhale or did he just experiment.

  • Waldo says:

    Has there been indication in the press (or the candidates’ websites) about current polling in this race? I’m curious, and looking for some hope.

    The Weed campaign is running an internal poll now, but I don’t imagine that the results of that would be made public. Media General is way too cheap to run polls, save for in the RT-D, and even then, not often.

  • BetterLife says:

    No, you’re thinking of DICK Weed, Al Weed’s brother…

  • dkachur says:

    Screw random samples… poll me! poll me!

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