Jefferson School Task Force Recommends

Belle writes: The Jefferson School Task Force has forwarded its recommendations of three options for City Council to consider when disposing of the property that was once a school for Charlottesville’s African-American children, but has more recently lapsed into dilapidation. Elizabeth Nelson has the story in today’s Daily Progress. [Previous discussions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

7 Responses to “Jefferson School Task Force Recommends”

  • Waldo says:

    The suggestion that JMRL be moved to the Jefferson School is just weird. The McIntire library is in a beautiful, beautiful building. I can think of no building more majestic or appropriate for a Charlottesville library. Besides, this is putting the cart before the horse — the library has neither interest in nor a need to move. Perhaps the Jefferson School could serve as the location for a temporary move, given that the building is due for an internal repair session (the interior needs all kinds of repairs that would necessitate moving out for a time), but since Council has not allocated the funds that will be necessary for those repairs, even that might be a bit pie-in-the-sky.

  • mom133d says:

    The McIntire Library building is home of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Historical Society and is not included in the JMRL move as far as I know. The Central Library is next door and resides in the former Courthouse/Post Office building.

  • Waldo says:

    You’re absolutely right. I should have said "Central Library."

  • Belle says:

    Waldo writes: Besides, this is putting the cart before the horse — the library has neither interest in nor a need to move.

    Wasn’t there a C-Ville Weekly article this Fall that described the library as eager to move (and citing a shortage of space as the principal reason)?

  • Belle says:

    From the Regress article: “This project is probably the most important public project that this city is going to put forward and confront in decades,” Councilor Blake Caravati said.

    This strikes me as being just a plain goofy thing to say. Or is it simple pandering — with the elections in mind and his possible eagerness to be mayor again?

  • HealCville says:

    The city and county jointly purchased the old downtown post office to become a regional library

    (“Post Office Sale Signed,” Oct. 11, 1977 , The Daily Progress)

  • Belle says:

    WINA has the story.

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