Wintergreen to Open Friday

Lars writes: Wintergreen will open this Friday (December the 5th). Night skiing doesn’t begin until Friday, December 12. The forecast calls for snow on Friday and Saturday with significant accumulation. How serendipitous!

I haven’t used my skis in years. Maybe all of us should take a big, dysfunctional field trip and go skiing together.

4 Responses to “Wintergreen to Open Friday”

  • Sympatico says:

    Maybe all of us should take a big, dysfunctional field trip and go skiing together.

    I thought you were the abominable snowman living on the slopes there. What, does our local Yeti need some fresh meat for the coming winter?

  • Lars says:

    Correction, Waldo hasnt used his skiis. I, however, am a boarder, and use it every day of the season.

  • Cecil says:

    You must be having a blast right now. I, by contrast, cannot get out of my driveway. Stupid rear-wheel drive Volvo.

  • Lars says:

    Yes, it was great, 8 inches of fresh powder. Gotta love it.

    I didn’t have much trouble getting out. I have a front wheel drive escort (the narrowest tires you can buy I think) and I didnt have any trouble.

    I was watching the snow drift rally on speed channel on thursday night. They had a rear wheel drive porsche in it, and he did pretty well, even though he fishtailed in the straight sections :) I suppose dealing with a rear wheel drive vehicle in snow is just a matter of technique :)

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