Police Chase Bull Around Belmont

At 11pm on Saturday night, a 1,200 pound black angus bull escaped the Charlottesville Livestock Market, and managed to escape pursuers, disappearing into Belmont around 5am. Around 1pm on Sunday, the bull turned up 5 miles north of the stockyard. Four officers attempted to contain the bull, but it became enraged, and charged them. Said Sgt. Michael Farruggio, “I’ve never seen the officers move that fast.” In mid-afternoon, a Belmont resident managed to produce a tranquilizer gun, and the animal was shot and hauled into a trailer. “It was fun,” Farruggio concluded. “It’s been at least 10 years since I’ve chased a bull.” Reed Williams had the story in Tuesday’s Progress.

9 Responses to “Police Chase Bull Around Belmont”

  • Big_Al says:

    I must admit, I’ve lived here for over 16 years, and this is the first I’ve hard of the Charlottesville Livestock Market.

    Makes me wonder what else I may have missed.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    Sounds like we are living in Chicago with mention of Bears and Bulls running wild.

  • taxpayer says:

    Maybe they missed a decimal point and meant 0.5 miles. If it had turned up 5 miles north of the stockyard it would have been closer to K-Mart or Proffit Road. It actually collapsed from a tranquilizer dart on Short Eighteenth Street, which is no more than a half mile from the stockyard.

  • ColinC says:

    So finally the Running of the Bulls come to Charlottesville. Sounds like a party…

  • cornelious says:

    It has been around a very long time and there are many who attend their livestock auctions.

    Once a week I think.

  • cornelious says:

    "Four officers responded and contained the bull in a roughly 200-yard area, "

    The reporting is a little fuzzy. The above, in the original context, might have been describing 200 "lots" or perhaps they left out the "square" in square yards or, more probably, mere Progress reporting.

  • Lars says:


    "a Belmont resident managed to produce a tranquilizer gun"

    What I want to know is why do belmont residents have tranquilizer guns laying around?

  • Lafe says:

    You mean you don’t?

  • Waldo says:

    Maybe they missed a decimal point and meant 0.5 miles. If it had turned up 5 miles north of the stockyard it would have been closer to K-Mart or Proffit Road.

    You must be right. I was scratching my head when I read that, but ultimately decided that somehow it had escaped my notice that East Market was so damned long. :)

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