Bomb Threats Anew

In the spring of 2002, there was an annoying string of bomb threats at UVa, a dozen in total. Particularly given the sense of security that resulted from September 11th, each was taken seriously, with major buildings and surrounding buildings having to be cleared out until they could all be throughly examined. When it didn’t happen at all in the ’02-’03 school year, the hope was that it was probably a student making the calls that had since graduated. But then, last Tuesday, came a call, and Ruffner Hall had to be cleared out. Nearly a week later, nobody has been caught. With a bomb threat protocol in place and a telephone system that makes tracing calls easier, one might think that it would be easy to nab the offender, but apparently not. Kate Andrews has the story in today’s Progress.

2 Responses to “Bomb Threats Anew”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    i would look to see which class in the building was giving out a major test. Then take a look at each of the students who might have needed more time to study.

  • Belle says:

    IamDaMan wrote: i would look to see which class in the building was giving out a major test. Then take a look at each of the students who might have needed more time to study.

    I can confirm that the police have been investigating this general lead, with the help of the faculty, from the start.

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