Owen Young Found?

eattheyuppies writes: Back in January a well-known local professional, Owen Young, suddenly went missing. There was a flurry of media reports on his case, including some chatter on cvillenews. Some of the reports cited a claim that a suspicious black man was seen driving Mr. Young’s car. (It’s always the black male who gets blamed, ain’t it Shiflett?!) Members of Young’s church eventually held a memorial service for him and many gave him up for dead. Fast forward 7 months. Over a week ago, there was a small blurb in the Daily Progress saying that Young had turned up safe and sound in Tampa, FL. It seems odd that there has been no other public discussion of this rather remarkable turn of events, no chatter here on cvillenews, no follow-up articles in the Hook, no nothing. Isn’t anyone curious to know what this guy’s been up to these 7 months, why and how he disappeared and abandoned his life here and all of his commitments here, what the reaction of his family and friends has been to this news, etc., etc.? Is he a great swindler, did he have a fit of amnesia, or…? Inquiring minds want to know!

If somebody could provide a citation for this Progress blurb — or, better yet, a full quote — it’d be appreciated, since I didn’t see it and it’s not on their website.

9 Responses to “Owen Young Found?”

  • fdr says:

    I read about this on NBC 29’s site more than a week ago when Mr. Young was located, but I was hoping no one would bring it up here. He’s been found; it’s over; his reasons are nobody’s business but those to whom he is obligated. I feel bad for his family and was glad to see only minimal coverage until the Hook piece came out yesterday. I for one hope this "news" dies quickly.

  • BurntHombre says:

    “…his reasons are nobody’s business but those to whom he is obligated.”

    Are you new here?

    On a serious note, anyone have a link to the Hook story? All this secrecy has me intrigued.

  • BetterLife says:

    I would think it is our business when the media has stories about this man vanishing and describe this guy so the community will keep an eye out for him.

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    I read about this on NBC 29’s site more than a week ago when Mr. Young was located, but I was hoping no one would bring it up here. He’s been found; it’s over; his reasons are nobody’s business but those to whom he is obligated.

    Wow, bullshit!

    His reasons were nobody’s business up until the moment he and his family began wasting the police’s, the media’s and the public’s time and resources on his bogus disappearance. Not to mention that all of black Charlottesville was implicitly blamed for what turns out to be one guy’s flake-out.

    Sorry, but I’m afraid you’re completely wrong about this.

  • will says:

    I think the only thing they said was in here, and it’s nothing revealing: http://www.readthehook.com/stories/2003/08/14/4betterOrWorseThe2WeeksInR.html

  • Hoo2LA says:

    During the course of a conversation I had with a staffer employed by the Daily Progress, I came to an idea of where Mr. Young has been.

    It was suggested, during my conversation with this print raconteur, that Mr. Young disappeared with the 20-something son of a friend of his. Apparently, there was some sort of fall-out between Mr. Young and the boy’s father, a man with whom Mr. Young had an interesting relationship — one that would have scarce seen print in this small town. The son went with him only as a way to leave town, as I understand it. After taking jobs down there, the escapade came to a close when the steely determination of the afformentioned young man ran short, and he called home crying.

    To be honest, that seems to be a stretch. For all I know, the whole conversation could have been misheard through the wool pulled over my eyes. Take the whole thing for what its worth — hopefully, an official story will clear all of this up.

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    That’s it — I’m heading to Charlottesville to get to the bottom of this! And if I have to spend all night at Wild Wings, then so be it!

  • Big_Al says:

    I was hoping no one would bring it up here.

    I have no dog in this fight, but that’s a curious statement. Would you care to elaborate?

  • Leo says:

    There isn’t much the media can do with the story if no one will talk. If someone wants to call the Progress or 29 with the scoop, I’m sure they would listen.

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