Monthly Archive for July, 2003

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Camblos Refuses to Charge Shiflett

Albemarle Commonwealth’s Attorney Jim Camblos will not be filing criminal charges against former deputy Steve Shiflett, WINA reports. Shiflett, a deputy hired by Sheriff Edgar Robb, claimed in March that a black man had shot at him, unprovoked, hitting him in the torso and his patrol car. A suspect was detained, but released shortly thereafter. Sheriff Robb declared it to have been a “hate crime,” although he found himself defending Shiflett in early June after the deputy was accused of inventing the whole story. The police opened an investigation, Shiflett resigned, and Robb declared on Monday that he was “ready to put this behind us.” Camblos predictably agreed with Robb, so what happened will likely remain unknown. Results of the ballstics test and a polygraph of Shiflett by the Albemarle police have not been made available. 07/04 Update: Josh Barney and Elizabeth Nelson have a story in today’s Progress.

Who’s Gonna Run

On August 9th-ish, I’m moving from Charlottesville to Blacksburg, to attend Virginia Tech for a year and a half. Between being busy as a full-time student and being physically out of the area, I don’t think that I ought to be running in that time. I just wouldn’t do a very good job of it, I don’t think. So, what should happen to the site in that time?

I figure there are a few options. The first is to shut it down. But that option sucks, and I won’t do it. The second is to try to run the site from afar and, if it works, keep doing it. The third is to switch the site to a less intensive format, perhaps more blog-based with simplified commenting. (Translation: Make the site something that I’d feel was less important to keep timely and relevant.) The fourth is to hand the reins over to somebody else in that time.

It’s that fourth option that’s probably best, I figure, but I’m certainly open to arguments to the contrary or suggestions of other solutions. If the fourth option, who should do it? How do I find or pick somebody?

What do y’all think?
