Who’s Gonna Run cvillenews.com?

On August 9th-ish, I’m moving from Charlottesville to Blacksburg, to attend Virginia Tech for a year and a half. Between being busy as a full-time student and being physically out of the area, I don’t think that I ought to be running cvillenews.com in that time. I just wouldn’t do a very good job of it, I don’t think. So, what should happen to the site in that time?

I figure there are a few options. The first is to shut it down. But that option sucks, and I won’t do it. The second is to try to run the site from afar and, if it works, keep doing it. The third is to switch the site to a less intensive format, perhaps more blog-based with simplified commenting. (Translation: Make the site something that I’d feel was less important to keep timely and relevant.) The fourth is to hand the reins over to somebody else in that time.

It’s that fourth option that’s probably best, I figure, but I’m certainly open to arguments to the contrary or suggestions of other solutions. If the fourth option, who should do it? How do I find or pick somebody?

What do y’all think?

74 Responses to “Who’s Gonna Run cvillenews.com?”

  • Guest says:

    Option #5: Sell out. I bet you could get an existing news outlet in Charlottesville to pay for a year’s tuition in exchange for cvillenews.com

  • Sympatico says:

    Yeah, they may be stupid enough to buy it; but of course, once we know who owns it, the life of the site will be gone just like Waldo.

  • Lars says:

    The biggest problem with cvillenews now is that waldo runs the show, 99 percent of the stories are posted by him, and the majority of stories people post do not make it to the site. Waldo is a good guy and all, but lets face it, he is a media whore.

    I think there should be several moderators who can approve stories. We would benefit from a lack of censorship.

  • Waldo says:

    I’ve had offers, actually. But the point that I made then, as now, is that it’s free. Anybody that wants to reproduce the news here can syndicate it freely. The comments, of course, I don’t own, but I don’t know why anybody but the posters would want to own them. Ain’t no point in buying it. I value cvillenews.com at, oh, $0 or so. :)

  • Waldo says:

    99 percent of the stories are posted by him, and the majority of stories people post do not make it to the site.

    That’s not true. About 40% don’t make it. And that’s because most of those are about national politics, or people promoting their yard sale. I’m not “censoring” news. That’s a stupid accusation.

  • Jack says:

    I see a lot of the stories that Waldo rejects (his desk is about 10 feet away from me) and most of them are completely non-relevant. People submit stories about purely state or national level politics a lot, with no bearing on Charlottesville. Sometimes those stories are well-written and researched, but they just don’t make sense for Cvillenews. Also some things that get rejected are really just slight developments of something that’s already a top story. The place for that is usually in the ‘comments’ section.

    Without moderation of top stories, the quality of the news here would quickly drop, as would the site’s relevance and popularity.

    Ultimately, most news credible news outlets have editors. Editorship does not automatically constitute censorship.

  • Sympatico says:

    As I’ve said before, although I personally would like to see expanded (read: non-local) coverage, I don’t feel it’s censorship to have a site dedicated to local news. That’s the owner’s prerogative. Now if the moderator / owner should pick and chose local news based on a political agenda, then I feel the very character of the site will be changed. I for one, will be gone if that should happen.

  • lettuce says:

    "I for one, will be gone if that should happen."

    Woohoo! Let the censorship begin! ;)

  • Waldo says:

    I personally would like to see expanded (read: non-local) coverage

    I’d love to see a site that would do that. Like a virginianews.com or something.

    Now if the moderator / owner should pick and chose local news based on a political agenda, then I feel the very character of the site will be changed. I for one, will be gone if that should happen.

    And that’s the great thing about comments — if the operator (I speak in the third person because it won’t be me, I imagine, before too long) ignores stories, there’s nothing keeping you from pointing that out in a topic. It is two-way, after all.

  • Indie says:

    Sympatico, get your own dang website if you have such rigid, high-minded stipulations involved.

  • Indie says:

    First of all, I would hate to see cvillenews.com become stagnant or less relevant. I do believe, even though they don’t want to publicly admit it, that many local officials read the site and the comments herein, in its subtle way, are influential.

    Cvillenews.com provides an outlet for people to vent on local issues–and also, get opposing arguements, that, aside from some chronic passive-aggressive antagonizers, is very useful to hear. :)

    I think that you should continue running the site from Blacksburg, but perhaps rely a bit more on people who submit news. Big things happen here in Charlottesville, but not THAT big, so I don’t think you are going to feel too out of the loop that you can’t adequately edit submissions from Hokie-ville. Or get a guest editor to fill in when you can’t do it.

    And finally, on the subject of national news submissions to cvillenews.com, I definitely would NOT like to see those posted here. There must be some other weblogs out there that cater to that.

  • cornelious says:

    Gosh, Golly, Gee, local news is so comfortable I`d hate to see this site go "World". We have a City Council which is far ranging as it is.

    I (we) can go national in any number of chat rooms at any time but I have this earthy good feeling we (all of us) can influence (maybe) the thinking of local politicians and stuff. Maybe not now but sometime in the future.

    I don`t want my commentary bucking up against C. Rice or some other articulate person in authority. I`d rather stick to butting heads and opinions with Lars, Waldo, Lettuce, Sympatico (random purely random examples) for now.

  • Lars says:

    That’s not true. About 40% don’t make it. And that’s because most of those are about national politics, or people promoting their yard sale. I’m not “censoring” news. That’s a stupid accusation.

    Ahh, the consummate politician. When a word seems negative but perfectly describes your actions, you just deny it.

    censor: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable

    Sure, national politics and yard sales are objectionable, thats censorship. The fact is those are just examples that you think everyone else will agree with, just because everyone agrees with you doesn’t make it anything other than censorship.

    We dont see the stories that don’t make it to the site, so its pointless to argue about what reasons you found them objectionable. You yourself have admitted you censored them. The reasons are unkown to us, and we have to take your word for it. You’re uber political, don’t piss on my shoes and tell me its raining… Don’t tell me you’re operating on a hard and fast objective basis. If there is a mathematical formula for approving stories, automate the process, and then we don’t need a moderator at all. You have your reasons. I’ve posted local news and had it not make it to the site. I even scooped the local press! Yet when I post a complete bullshit story anonymously, poof, it appears. It is completely impossible for you to moderate without taking into account your personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations. You’re only human.

    And besides, my main point is that you WRITE 99 percent of the stories. I think they should be submitted by the public. After all, they’re the ones who are out there every day making the news.

  • Lars says:

    Ultimately, most news credible news outlets have editors. Editorship does not automatically constitute censorship.

    Yes, they also have WRITERS. When a story is written by the editor, its called an EDITORIAL, and thus, not news.

    Editorship DOES automatically constitute censorship, it also constitutes punditry.

  • Cecil says:

    so Waldo doesn’t post people’s "stories" about yard sales or about national news. big fricking whoop. maybe he’s also not posting some amazing local stories that he dislikes for political reasons–maybe there are amazing local stories out there about amazing local republicans doing amazing things. help, help, visitors to cvillenews.com are being oppressed.

    the thing is, it’s his damn site, he does all the work to maintain it, and if he doesn’t want us talking about yard sales, national news, and local republicans, that’s his prerogative. he can control the terms of the discussion, he can censor any damn thing he wants. people who don’t like it can go to another party or start their own party. or, apparently, they can just nitpick the work that other people do.

    "I think [the stories] should be submitted by the public. After all, they’re the ones who are out there every day making the news."

    that makes a lot of sense. yes, Jim Camblos and Steve Shiflet should definitely be submitting the stories about the imaginary shooter, instead of Waldo the Oppressor. after all, they’re out there every day making the news. and that story about the parents busted for supplying their kids with booze at the party in Earlysville? they should have been the ones to submit the story, because after all they’re the ones who are out there making the news. hell, they probably tried to submit the story but were blocked by Waldo the Oppressor. and that story about how the RWSA guy is resigning? why wasn’t he allowed to submit that story? after all, he’s the one out there making the news, and the fact that Waldo submitted it just proves that Waldo didn’t LET that guy submit it himself. and the stories about the white kids assaulted by CHS students? the assaulters should have submitted that story–after all, they’re the ones out there every day making the news.

    I’m certain all the people involved in the stories we’ve discussed on this board have all been clamoring to submit the stories in which they played key roles–but I bet they were censored. here’s the new rule: news should never be submitted by third-party observers–no, it’s only legit if it’s submitted by the ones who are out there every day making the news. after all.

  • Cecil says:

    "I think that you should continue running the site from Blacksburg"

    In the words of Reverend Lovejoy, "on the face of it, that would appear to the ideal solution." But it kind of sounds to me like Waldo is subtly trying to tell us that he really can’t do it. Being a full-time student, having a totally full slate of activities (which the budding politician undoubtedly will have, don’t you think?), cvillenews is going to fall so low on his list of priorities, and rightfully so. i think the thing needs fairly regular tending–somebody’s got to weed out the yard sales, the national news, and (apparently) all of Lars’ submissions. submissions are going to pile up before he gets a chance to look at them–new stories will appear very infrequently–readers will get pissy and frustrated–a downward spiral will commence.

    i think someone needs to volunteer to proxy in while Waldo’s at school. and it won’t be me*, so that’s very easy for me to recommend. but I hope someone will, someone very much like Waldo.

    what about Jack?

    maybe we should have a poll where we vote for or against one another as potential proxies?

    *overbusy myself, extremely fascist tendencies, and no one likes me.

  • Cecil says:

    "How do I find or pick somebody?"

    maybe you should announce a public meeting, like at a coffee shop or on the Mall. see who comes–who’s willing to put a face and a body to their cvillenews screen name. (the fact that you run the site and post under your real full name adds invaluable credibility to the site.) that should be a first criteria.

    then, whoever shows up could talk about who should run it in your absence. and that way they’re be at least some level of buy-in about the New Leader. or maybe that group could agree to share responsibilities–each take a month.

    this way, you’d get probably the most committed cvillenewsians, and possibly the most moderate ones, since the extremists might be less likely to show themselves in person. (I think moderate is important for this role.)

    and that way the group could agree to some ground rules–continue to censor yard sales, national news, and Lars’ submissions.

  • dkachur says:

    As for me, socialist tendencies and moving to Rhode Island, so I’m out.

    I think it would be possible to run it from Blacksburg, if Waldo wanted to. Subscriptions could be had to Hook, Cville, Progress, etc, though news would be slightly delayed. We could have people here check those periodicals and submit stories. We could have local "reporters" to submit stories.

    Whatever happens, it’s been good, and I hope it remains so.

  • Waldo says:

    I’ve posted local news and had it not make it to the site.

    You’ve submitted three stories. The first was on December 4th, reporting a winter storm watch. Storm: news. Possible storm: not news. The second was the same day, about Total Information Awareness. Not a local story. The third was about the Crozet house fire. I didn’t run that because I didn’t know what value there would be in the discussion of that. It actually ended up turning into an interesting story a few weeks down the line, but I never got around to running it.

    Yet when I post a complete bullshit story anonymously, poof, it appears.

    Lars, I know you well enough to know that you completely made that up. C’mon, give me a link. Show me the story that I ran that was “complete bullshit.”

    I think they should be submitted by the public. After all, they’re the ones who are out there every day making the news.

    Me too! But outside of that fantasy world, that’s not going to happen. You assume that I’m just tripping over submissions. I get about one a week. Here are the titles of the last few that I didn’t run:

    Miami and Va Tech joins ACC
    Universal Healthcare
    Keep “Fridays” Free!

    The first two have nothing to do with Charlottesville. The third was just a link to an anti-FAF-charging petition that was sufficiently factually incorrect as to really undermine efforts to make FAF free again. (I e-mailed the submitter to explain why I’d rejected it.)

    This is actually some of the better stuff that I see. Easily a third of submissions are barely in English. It can’t have escaped notice that a few stories that I’ve run, just wanting to run something from the submission queue, have barely provided the core facts. Probably 10% of submissions are people attempting to communicate with me, that figure that’s how they’re supposed to e-mail me. Maybe a quarter of submissions are just baffling: “Charlottesville Emergency Drill,” “Thanks for the bus, CTS,” “That’s a big ***** kite,” “Milan – New Indian Restaurant??? Any details?” Perhaps another quarter are just random or unqualified, like “Power Surge In City Yesterday?,” “Electronic Music at Tokyo Rose,” “Marzaks CD Release Party at Spencer’s Music Store,” or “CHUUG Linux/BSD Installfest – Fall 2002.”

    In short, the overwhelming majority of submissions are outside of the scope of the site, so trivial as to be irrelevant, redundant, so poorly written as to be illegible or embarassing. Whenever I get something that is about Charlottesville news that is timely and interesting, I’ll run it, even if it’s below what I would consider something that I would write up and post myself.

    It’d be just swell if I were drowning in original submissions by the subjects of these stories, but it doesn’t happen.

  • Waldo says:

    ut it kind of sounds to me like Waldo is subtly trying to tell us that he really can’t do it. Being a full-time student, having a totally full slate of activities (which the budding politician undoubtedly will have, don’t you think?), cvillenews is going to fall so low on his list of priorities, and rightfully so.

    To be honest, I really just have no idea. I’ve never been a full-time student. For all I know, compared to taking 9 credits per semester and working 60 hours (which I’ve been doing for the past year), it’s a cakewalk. I just don’t want the site to suffer because of my inactions. We’ve got hundreds of registered users, dozens of regular daily posters, and thousands of regular readers, with these groups including folks from every major area media outlet, elected and appointed city and county muckety-mucks, and a variety of movers and shakers. I only wonder what the bigger risk is: Trying to run the site from Blacksburg, or trying to have somebody else take over?

  • ShaftDu says:

    BOOHOO, I am crushed you used my example of

    Miami and Va Tech joins ACC

    as NOT news worthy. Lets see, UVa is part of the ACC. Va Tech is UVa’s biggest rival. UVa is located in Charlottesville. So to me, I believe that is Charlottesville News. Even though it is more national news, I felt it had a some substance to us living here. I mean, now we might have to travel to Miami every other year.

    Sheesh, that is why I am afraid ever to submit ANYTHING. We can even talk about local UVa sports, what can we talk about. I mean we don’t always have to talk about why the evil Reps are out to get everyone.

  • Sympatico says:

    Okay, okay, I’m sure we get your point. However, I feel you are a little too easy-going with any news media when you say:

    the thing is, it’s his damn site, he does all the work to maintain it, and if he doesn’t want us talking about yard sales, national news, and local republicans, that’s his prerogative. he can control the terms of the discussion, he can censor any damn thing he wants. people who don’t like it can go to another party or start their own party. or, apparently, they can just nitpick the work that other people do.

    If I build an attraction park and you come, can I do whatever I want to you once you’re there? Can I make the toilets only for men and my friends? Or can I spray kaka juice on you whilst you’re walking around, completely unaware of my notion of “fun”? I mean, you can just get up and leave and then make your own attraction park, right?

  • Sympatico says:

    The biggest risk is if news is not updated on a frequent basis. Contributors and readership will decline once there’s nothing new or it’s just way after other news outlets.

    The answer to your question lies in your excitement level about your new liefstyle and activities. If it’s low, and you don’t meet a Blackburg version of Drew Barrymore, then maybe you could do it from there. If you can’t contain yourself to get started on your studies, or Drew hints that girls just want to have fun, then you need to pass it along.

  • ragnar says:

    Given your litany of complaints about the site, I think you should demand a full refund for your subscription. What’s that? It didn’t cost anything? I guess you get what you pay for.

  • Indie says:

    For local UVa sports, check out http://www.thesabre.com. They have a discussion board.

  • ShaftDu says:


    well Waldo I suggest you should have a link to the side of the local news for this website. JUST A THOUGHT so us who like UVA sports might not have the nerve to submit a news story about the Cavs.

  • Indie says:

    why don’t you just make note of it? Does Waldo need to hold your hand for you to visit http://www.thesabre.com?

  • ShaftDu says:

    holding my hand? LOL

    Nooooo, I am talking about those people in the future who might get lost in cyberspace and try to flood the news submit with stories of UVa sports.

  • Waldo says:

    BOOHOO, I am crushed you used my example of Miami and Va Tech joins ACC as NOT news worthy. Lets see, UVa is part of the ACC. Va Tech is UVa’s biggest rival. UVa is located in Charlottesville.

    Eh, I don’t buy it. The connection is not just tenuous, but sports stories have long done badly here. I ran a few of ’em a year or two ago, and nobody had anything to say, so I haven’t run any sports stories since.

    Your “that’s why I’m afraid to submit things” story is a bit silly. This is the first two in the history of the site (to my memory) that I have ever named stories that haven’t been run. And it’s not like I named you and suggested that people hurl produce at you.

    Indie’s suggestion that I provide a link to TheSabre.com is a great one — I’ve done so. Good idea!

  • BetterLife says:

    Please no!!! I for one don’t watch sports or talk about them. I like the site as it is. Sports is a boring topic that is better left for the BW3/Wild Wings testosterone crowd.

  • Cecil says:

    agreed–no sports topics on cvillenews unless it’s a story that combines sports with a non-sports angle. so, not "hey, uva football just signed a great new recruit" but perhaps "hey, a uva football player just got picked up for shoplifting and uva isn’t going to kick him out!"

    i love sports and love to talk about them, but i think introducing sports-only topics would really change the tenor of things here, and not in a good way.

  • ShaftDu says:

    Alright, I will take the link on the side as a meet you half way point. I mean my beef was that if this site was to have all other news link to it, then why couldn’t it have *gasp* local sports.

  • Sympatico says:


  • Sympatico says:

    Waldo should write a Mission Statement for cvillenews.com

  • Waldo says:

    I’ve long wanted to have some sort of a physical gathering, but I fear that nobody would show up. And that would be totally pathetic. :) Also, I wonder if the silent majority — the overwhelming percentage that doesn’t post here, but only reads — would show up.

  • Cecil says:

    I think some your core posters would probably show, which is what you really need for this purpose–anyone who takes the reins while you’re at school probably should be a veteran with a visible track record of posts.

    Others might just arrange to _be_ at the gathering place at the designated time but might pretend to be there just to have a cup of coffee–all the while, glancing around to try to figure out which one is Sympatico, Lafe, etc…we’ll be able to spot those by their furtive eye movements.

    We could all wear name tags with our screen names on them. Or, even more fun, we could wear name tags with our real names on them and then try to figure out who goes with which screen identity.

    The possibilities for party games are endless….

    An interesting question, at least to me, is what might happen to the online community if the real/physical is allowed to intrude? I know that some of you do know one another in the physical world, but I think most don’t know who’s behind what screen name. And I think that not-knowing enables one kind of community, and I’m not saying it would be wrecked if there were a physical gathering but I think it would be changed. Somehow.

  • Lars says:

    Wow, you’re nuts.

  • Lars says:

    You see, when we have some visibility into what is being submitted, we all understand your choices. I disagree with a few, namely the storm warning, we got *3* inches the next day. Look it up. The house fire was a double murder, thats news if you ask me. I got that information from a fire department source, and it hadn’t appeared in any papers yet. It was very disturbing because the suspects were local HS kids. Sounds like the kind of thing that would spur discussion to me. You know, if it bleeds it leads.

    Behold, the worst story ever run on cvillenews. Keep in mind, this is a true story, my roommate who owed me $2000 in back rent stole my VCR when he moved out.


    Not that I really cared if I had a VCR or not, I don’t even own any video tapes anymore. It was the PRINCIPAL of the thing. We were in a news lul, and I figured that combined with keeping my name (local eccentric) out of it would get it run, I was right. Even with my very best jabbering lunatic tone.

    By the way, the VA Tech joins ACC is a local story, Casteen made it happen, and many people find it controversial because it will cost UVA’s sports program quite a bit of money.

    I agree with cecil that its your perrogative. Hell, you could just take it down tomorrow if you want to. Its not that I’m ungrateful for the service, I’m sure you spend a lot of your time writing and submitting stories that you could use for more rational things like work and fun. But at the same time, MY opinion is that we’d benefit from 3 or 4 people with authority to approve stories.

    Its a sad state of affairs you’ve outlined for us, if the stories suck, then maybe if you ran some of them people would be outraged and post some "I can beat that" stories.

    Then again, maybe that severe head trauma I incurred has altered my perception more than I thought.

  • Lars says:

    Hell yeah, thats the beauty of capitalism, you get to brutalize consumers. Thats the FUN of it. Well, that and steal their retirement funds with a little creative accounting.

  • Lars says:

    Sheesh, that is why I am afraid ever to submit ANYTHING.

    See, this is exactly what I mean. The people with real metanews stay silent, hell, most people are too scared to post comments here, for fear of being flamed by the over zealous amongst us.

    And from your explanations of the omitted stories waldo, it appears the people who have crappy stories (or shameless self promotion) are more than willing to submit them.

  • Lars says:

    The connection is direct, Casteen all but FORCED the ACC to accept tech. It is something that many many people wish he had not done. When the impetus for the story is one of the most powerful people in cville, and said story is national news. I think that deserves the title "local news".

  • Lars says:

    I demand that ragnar compensate me for the time that I wasted reading his comment. As well as the time I’m spending telling him about my demand. As well as legal fees, consultants fees, and administrative costs. Based on my normal billable hours…. lets see… that comes to $1000.

    Cough it up buddy.

  • Lars says:

    Hey, I’m an extremist, and I post under my full name. Anyone who wants to is welcome to come up to me and spew their hatred for my ideas in person.

    I think we should have a citywide tour, you, me, and all the other nuts out there. We could sell tickets! If replies to my posts are any measure, there is HUGE interest in parading my freakishness for all to see.

  • Lars says:

    I’m offended that you didnt list me in your weirdo list with sympatico and lafe, I’m a nut too! *waves hand* hey hey! I want attention too!

  • Sympatico says:

    Lafe isn’t a weirdo: he’s too straight. But Lars does qualify.

  • Cecil says:

    i wasn’t listing weirdos–just familiar screen names. i think lafe is hardly weird at all.

    but if you need to hear it–if i were stealthily observing a gathering of cvillenewsians, i’d try to figure out which one was you, too.

  • trisha says:

    >hell, most people are too scared to post comments here, for fear of being flamed by the over zealous amongst us.

    Ahem. I completely relate to that. I’m going to go back into my hidey hole before Symp notices I was here and cracks jokes about my intelligence (or supposed lack thereof) and attempts to divine my hair color.

  • Sympatico says:

    …4 days later, no news postings and… no reader involvement. If Liv Tyler is in Blackburg, then you should call it quits.

  • Sympatico says:

    …4 days later, no news postings and… no reader involvement. If Liv Tyler is in Blacksburg, then you should call it quits.

  • Waldo says:

    No news postings because there’s been no news. :) You see some news? Submit it!

  • Waldo says:

    I know probably 20% of the regular posters…at least, I know who they are IRL, and would likely recognize them F2F. Some of them I know because they’re regular posters, and they have figured out who I am (not like I make a secret out of it :), and so they’ve introduced themselves to me. But a bunch of y’all don’t want to have your known, public persona associated with your real identity. The anonymity afforded by the site allows people to say things that they wouldn’t normally feel comfortable saying. That’s a good thing. Usually. :)

  • Lafe says:

    i think lafe is hardly weird at all.

    Well, many think I’m weird. You’re the first to call me “furtive” though. ;)

    I think the physical gathering is a good idea, though there’s a low likelihood that I could attend, depending on scheduling. Life has been busier than usual for me lately, and looks to continue that way for the next month or so.

  • Lafe says:

    I’ve been thinking about this for a while, since I really like your site here, and would hate to see it fade away.

    I thought about volunteering to take the reins, but I don’t currently even have the time to keep up my own site, and it’s only got a readership of literally two or three people. :)

    Here’s what I’d do in your shoes:

    1) Keep nominal control/leadership of the site. Your fingers will be out of the pie more than in, but you’re still available to make judgement calls and provide some technical assistance/guidance/support/hosting. If it turns out that you won’t be back permanently, *then* look at handing over the "reins".

    2) Conscript a few news posters/editors. Assign one or several news categories to each person. F’rinstance; give Politics, Business, and Entertainment to Jack; Law and Justice, General News, and Ask Cvillenews to Belle, etc… (names and assignments are just examples, of course) These people should also be moderators, either globally or under their assigned categories (probably on the honor system if the latter, since I don’t think you can restrict access in that way using this system).

    3) Expand, or make expandable, the categories to which you can assign stories, to broaden the scope a little bit. But keep it *local*. Local is why I read here! Ideally, you could see an active sports category, but if you did I’d want a way to exclude certain categories from the front page. (Maybe move to a slash-type system?)

    Anyway, that’s my two bits. I think you can keep the site a going concern even if you can’t be personally herding the cats.

  • Sympatico says:

    …if the intention is to grow the site, then assigning different editors and expanding will work wonders! You’ll have a nice big sports section will loads of readers/posters. Every jock in the county (and beyond due to UVA reach) will frequent the site to post their highly insightful views (sic) on all aspects of college sports.

    …if the intention is to nurture a delicate balance of true citizen debate and involvment, then those are bad ideas.

    That’s my two cents!

  • Belle says:

    I agree with Indie. Try doing the site from Blacksburg. Perhaps your (short, brief, and presumably interrupted) distance from Charlottesville will have you scouring on-line sources for hometown news and pumping still-residents for gossip not seen there. I gather that is common for those of us who move between Charlottesville and other places.

    I’m sure if/when guests here notice your inattention, they’ll mention it (as Sympatico suggested below, and as trolls did in the past). And if you get sick of the whole mess, you could then try to hand management of the site off to someone else — preferrably with your level headed manner and proficiency in the requisite technology.

  • IamDaMan2 says:

    well remember sports are for the unintelligant. And we can’t have them in here.

  • IamDaMan2 says:

    LOL, why are you so afraid of a sports section in CVillenews.com. Do you know that the Daily Progress has a sport section and so too does NBC 29. *gasp*

    ‘Every jock in the county (and beyond due to UVA reach) will frequent the site to post their highly insightful views (sic) on all aspects of college sports.’

    Were you pick on in high school when you were a kid?

  • Sympatico says:

    No, I was actually and regretfully the intimidator during a good portion of my stupid years (and I loved to bully jocks already then). What I’m saying is this: jock talk is 101% boring to me.

  • Lafe says:

    Thus my mention of a way to exclude categories from the front page. Since I wouldn’t be interested in sports either.

    I don’t think, though, that since I don’t like it, no one else should either. :)

    I did not intend to link the idea of assigning categories to different posters/editors to the notion of growing the site. It’s a way of sharing the workload when Waldo is away, so he’s not having to do it all himself, or relying on only one other person to keep things going.

  • IamDaMan2 says:

    Yeah, I agree for the most part with sports not in being on the front page. However when Tech joined the ACC, I know that is a big deal in Cville. I wouldn’t be for putting up a football game gameday preview on the front page. However if the Cavs were 1# in football, it is big news in Cville. God, I remember the buzz around town when UVa was 1# for like 3 weeks in the early 90’s.

  • Indie says:

    Quit harping on sports discussion on this site! Go to thesabre.com if you want that! I don’t understand why you are so hellbent on wanting to discuss sports HERE, on CVILLENEWS.COM!!!

  • Sympatico says:

    Thus my mention of a way to exclude categories from the front page. Since I wouldn’t be interested in sports either. I don’t think, though, that since I don’t like it, no one else should either. :)

    My teenage son #1 has definite jock tendencies. I don’t stop him from wasting bandwidth (internet connection *and* cerebral connections) on Kobe Bryant.

    I did not intend to link the idea of assigning categories to different posters/editors to the notion of growing the site. It’s a way of sharing the workload when Waldo is away, so he’s not having to do it all himself, or relying on only one other person to keep things going.

    I didn’t suppose you did link categories and assignments to growth. I made that link. It’s not a brain-dead idea; in fact, it’s pretty damn entrepreneurial (in a good way). I just think it’ll have unintended consequences.

  • IamDaMan2 says:

    hey cool guy,

    I wanto thave discussions about things HAPPENING in Cville too. I agree we shouldn’t have a story about gameday or that nonsense. YET WHEN UVA (located in CVILLE) was pressuring to get TECH in the ACC is NEWSWORTHY.

  • Indie says:

    "I know you are but what am I!!!!!!"

    Dude, you just can’t drop it can you? You are stuck on the "ACC-UVA-TECH" story. You are desperate to yammer with somebody, ANYBODY, about this. This is the BIGGEST story ever!!!! What are you gonna do?

  • IamDaMan2 says:

    What I am going to do? What are you going to do when I run wild on you? WOOOOOOOOOO

  • Indie says:

    You are a sad, sad little man who probably drives a sports car to compensate for your lack.

  • ScottJ says:

    If you found it necessary to ask someone to take over the reins for a while, I can’t think of a better person for the job than Rey Barry.


    * Intelligent and astute

    * Local (for longer than I’ve been breathing)

    * Former print and radio journalist

    * Internet-savvy

    * Familiar with area people, places, issues

    * Knowledgeable

    * An impeccable writer

    * Retired (lots of free time!)

    Just something to think about. He might want to kick me for throwing his name around, but then again, I’m in Atlanta, so he can’t :)


  • IamDaMan2 says:


  • Indie says:

    I’m done now. You bore me.

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    Oh, please. You know that was funny.

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    1) He’s harping.

    2) He’s right.

    Thank you good day.

  • Indie says:


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