ITT to Leave Town

john_m writes: On Ivy Road, near Boars Head, is the Institute of Textile Technology. ITT is a graduate school entirely funded by the American textile industry, is home to one of the most comprehensive collections of English language textile information in the world, and has been in Charlottesville since 1944. On Friday , it was officially announced that ITT will be leaving town for Raleigh and a partnership w/ NC State. ITT provides a number of decent jobs (including mine) that will be gone sometime next year. This is another example of the decline of the American textile industry that has hammered the southern states and southwest Virginia.

I got a tour of their facilities just a couple of weeks ago, having previously known them only from their sign and building on 250. It was a bit of a shock to discover, after learning all about their beautiful facilities, that they would be departing in just a few months.

10 Responses to “ITT to Leave Town”

  • Jack says:

    Virginia’s economy is being chipped away bit by bit. Every factory closed, every family farm subdivided and every educational facility like ITT lost is another blow to this district’s economy that must not be ignored. One day (not too long from now at this rate) we will look around at what our economic assets are and there will just be nothing left.

    Can anyone tell me whether there was an effort on the part of the city (ie council) to keep the ITT in town?

  • Waldo says:

    Can anyone tell me whether there was an effort on the part of the city (ie council) to keep the ITT in town?

    I want to know what Virgil Goode did, if anything, to attempt to keep ITT in town.

    Sorry — campaign habits die hard… :)

  • trisha says:

    Where do city limits end on Ivy Road (where ITT is located). I was thinking ITT was across the border, so to speak.

  • Jack says:

    Really, just being a Congressman can provide leverage. If you’re in charge of making a decision like that and a U.S. Congressman comes by your office and wants to talk about things, you will at least listen. A good Congressperson should be able to do that kind of thing for a district as well as maintain a good voting record.

    If you have time to golf, you have time to fight for your constituents’ jobs.

  • Cecil says:

    Not to quibble, because indeed losing a major local employer is a bad thing–but is it an example of the decline of the Americna textile industry that has hammered the southern states if ITT is moving to Raleigh, which is in a southern state?

  • john_m says:

    Where before NC State and Clemson and ITT (and probably others) had thriving textile programs, now there is only NC State. Just because there is one job left doesn’t make the market the same as if there were 5 jobs…

  • Waldo says:

    is it an example of the decline of the Americna textile industry that has hammered the southern states if ITT is moving to Raleigh, which is in a southern state?

    If memory serves, this is actually ITT combining forces with a similar organization in Raleigh. It seems that neither of them can really survive on their own. The textile industry throughout the U.S. is quickly disappearing, moving overseas.

  • OneStone says:

    I for one want to see their old farmhouse (plantation?) re-used as a dwelling again. Are they selling it or what? Too bad they’re leaving, but new businesses like publishers SNL and MMD and Boxer Learning and Silverchair and WorkCare Group and The Hook and non-publishers like Gold and…well you get it, take their place. Thousands of jobs in this area have been created over the past 10 – 15 years. The textiles industry in this country is and has been on its way out, while e-based businesses (like desktop publishing) is the fastest growing industry in our little town. I heard publishing is the largest entrepreneurial industry classification in this town (after the non-entrepreneurial education and medical industries, thanks to UVA, MJH, scool districts etc). Anyway, one small company out, and many more new one’s take its place. We’ll survive!

  • bobh says:

    One of the fine old Rinehart mansions, currently home to the Institute of Textile Technology, is indeed on the market. Potential buyers so far have indicated use as a private residence, a conference center, corporate headquarters and high-end condos. If you have more than a few million you want to drop on this quality building, numerous outbuildings and 14+ acres, call the Institute.

  • bobh says:

    yes, ITT is in the county.

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