Wal-Mart Fined for Watering Plants

Wal-Mart has been fined $500 for violating water restrictions, WINA reports. The Albemarle County Service Authority discovered that Wal-Mart was watering their plants, a violation of water restrictions. Should they be caught again, they will be fined $1,000; caught again after that, and they could have their water supply cut off entirely.

11 Responses to “Wal-Mart Fined for Watering Plants”

  • IamDaMan says:

    This is funny because of Wal*Mart. They don’t care about anything. They got idiots managers working there. They got money to back them. I think they are going to hold a free car wash just to piss off the county.

  • Lars says:

    $500 is a big fine for such a friendly mom and pop 800 pound gorilla. Last I checked they were worth $226,600,000,000.

    So now they’re only worth $226,599,999,500!

  • Jinkster says:

    Obviously it’s not the fine itself, it’s the acknowledgment that they were caught combined with the future penalty of losing water altogether.

  • Lars says:

    Who’s wrist gets slapped? Do they actually march the Walton family out and do it so we can see it, or do they just assure us it has been done?

  • IamDaMan says:

    Hey where are them living wage protesters? Maybe we can get them to protest Wally World for doing this. Wait a sec, a boycott AGAINIST Wal Mart. Yeah that would work in a million years.

  • Big_Al says:

    Turning off their water would result in closing them down. I’m thinking the odds of the county shutting down perhaps the largest sales tax generator in the county are nil. Increased fines, yes, but close them down? Not in a million years.

  • lyle_lanley says:

    at least they wouldn’t be tying up traffic on main st. when i’m trying to get home from work. i say send em up 29!

  • Lars says:

    Yeah, rednecks beating their children, old people who have a job just because they dont have anything to do, and protesting tree huggers…. all in one place. this makes a lot of sense to me somehow, but I dont know how. I think I had a dream about this once.

  • ScottJ says:


    Restaurants use hundreds of thousands of gallons of water a day, but they fine a store for watering some plants.

    I hope the county plans to reimburse Wal-Mart for the plants they’ve ordered them to let die.

    Sometimes I think Darwin had it backwards.


  • Elizabeth says:

    Walmart can still water: just at night so less is lost to evaporation.

  • guyincville says:

    I noticed over the weekend that Wally World has portable toliets outside. Man funny stuff.

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