Update: Council and Business Leaders to Discuss Rt. 29 Interchanges

Belle writes: City Council is meeting with business leaders today to discuss the possibility of constructing grade separated interchanges on Route 29 North. This meeting is being held behind closed doors, in advance of a August 5th public hearing, at which the City may change its current position to instead favor such construction. Peter Savodnik has the story in today’s Progress.

8 Responses to “Update: Council and Business Leaders to Discuss Rt. 29 Interchanges”

  • Big_Al says:

    Can anybody out there in cvillenewsland explain why this meeting was held behind closed doors, and perhaps translate the mayor’s statement that the meeting is not meant for the public?

  • Belle says:

    Big Al writes:Can anybody out there in cvillenewsland explain why this meeting was held behind closed doors, and perhaps translate the mayor’s statement that the meeting is not meant for the public?

    I don’t know. But I know I don’t like it.

    Here was the last cvillenews.com discussion about the trend towards (highly questionable, IMHO) secrecy of Council meetings.

    And for more information on closed sessions and FOIA in VA, see here

  • rafaelo says:

    Mayor Cox, while a good man who in the past advocated public access, has here reinforced the perception that big money talks and decides all, behind closed doors. The "public hearings" are only just that: a staged occasion when we hear what our betters have decreed.

    He should give us an explanation of why that particlar meeting needed secrecy. Otherwise we can only suspect the worst.

  • Cat says:

    Although the posting here says "Council and Business Leaders", the Progress story actually says "Mayor, business leaders". The mayor is under no obligation to hold all of his meetings in public; in fact, that would probably be close to impossible. Public meetings are required only when some number of councilors (3?4?) are there together.

  • Belle says:

    Cat writes:Although the posting here says ‘Council and Business Leaders’, the Progress story actually says ‘Mayor, business leaders’. The mayor is under no obligation to hold all of his meetings in public; in fact, that would probably be close to impossible. Public meetings are required only when some number of councilors (3?4?) are there together.

    Good point, Cat.

    It is apparent, in hindsight and with the benefit of today’s reports, that I goofed when I read yesterday’s Progress article and thought the ‘meeting’ Cox called earlier this week would include others from council. From today’s reports it is obvious that only two from Council were at the meetings — Cox and Richards.

    In short — nice catch and correction!

  • silkyzephyr says:

    When the Mayor and Vice Mayor meet behind closed doors with developers, that’s a problem whether or not the other three city councillors show up.

    Granted without an "offical city council meeting" the Sunshine Law did not apply. But the public should have been allowed in anyway, to preserve confidence in the integrity of planning decisions.

    And also, your mea culpa shows the huge advantage of inter-active news. Errors in Channel 29, WINA or Daily Progress reports go uncorrected (and unrepented).

  • Cat says:


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