Who Makes A Difference: the C-Ville 20

Belle writes: The current issue of C-Ville Weekly names and describes the 20 local persons whom it deems to most “shape life in our community.” Would perhaps some cvillenews.com folks like to take a crack at debunking the importance of some of the names on the list and suggesting alternatives?

11 Responses to “Who Makes A Difference: the C-Ville 20”

  • Belle says:

    OK, after giving it a bit of pause for others to take their stap at it, I’ll kick off the debunk-and-swap game.

    I’ll swap DMB manager and local businessman Coran Capshaw for Atsushi Miura (I’m starting at the top of the C-Ville list). Capshaw is developing properties to connect the Downtown/UVa corridor, as well as owning development property in Fifeville, on Pantops, on the Mall, and the old industrial complex in Crozet. Miura just hosts some (self-identified) “counter-culture” shows. To my mind, Capshaw’s local importance eclipses Miura.

  • Anonymous says:

    Odd that Waldo isn’t on there. He shapes life in Cville more so than 90% of the people on that list. Ditto for Hawes Spencer. A little animosity from his old command, perhaps.

    I have to say, it’s quite telling how our mayor, Blake Caravati didn’t make it in. Pants-down, (ahh, I mean hands…) he’s the most bland and irrelevant member of council.

  • fdr says:

    This article irked me so much with its title’s exclusivity that I almost couldn’t enjoy the profiles (which were interesting). If it had been “20 of Charlottesville’s Most Influential People,” it would probably taste just fine. But the whole idea that you can rank something so qualititative as “influence” is just plain silly — what is this, People magazine? Although I guess People has its following, I’ll be disappointed if that’s the editorial direction the new C-Ville is heading.

    I’m not inclined to play any kind of substitution game because I don’t disagree that these folks shape Charlottesville life significantly. There are other folks that do more in some respects, less in other respects, than the people profiled in the article. The number of people who “shape life in our community” is a lot higher than 20.

  • Waldo says:

    I’ll swap DMB manager and local businessman Coran Capshaw for Atsushi Miura (I’m starting at the top of the C-Ville list). Capshaw is developing properties to connect the Downtown/UVa corridor, as well as owning development property in Fifeville, on Pantops, on the Mall, and the old industrial complex in Crozet.

    It’s easy to play Monday morning quarterback on such lists (witness the letters to major magazines after they run “The Top X Ys Ever” type of stories), but the omission of both Coran and Dave Matthews does strike me as odd. They’re two of the most influential people in town.

  • Anonymous says:

    While any list that highlights lesser known people who toil in obscurity is a good thing i would suggest the following:

    Corey Harris:out good choice but a pale shadow next to DMB.

    Replaced by Dave et al. How much do these guys have to give back before we realize the serious changes they have made?

    Carter Myers:out This guy is done but he buys lot of ads

    Replaced by Lee Middleditch. this guy has been in the middle of everything for what seems like forever. Most recently the county/city fire agreement.

    The Mudhouse:out really good but not as big as

    Tim Burgess and Vincent Derquenne the owners of bizou, metro, and bang. These guys change the the area of downtown food and drink more than anyone since the early days of the C&O.

    John Gibson:out C-ville needs to stop it’s obsession with live arts. Run free ads but spare me the over the top praise. It’s awful close to incest

    Replaced by John Grisham, This guy has put a ton of his own money and time into many areas of this town form Covescreek to Legal Aid. The man’s a giver.

    Browning Porter: Out while he done alot for writing he hasn’t done as much for reading as

    Hawes Spencer. Without Hawes there would be no C-ville and no HooK. You would just have the regress and the observer. Just think about that world for a moment. Also his theater has been improved without the subsidy of local goverment or wasteful fund raising.

  • Anonymous says:

    “Blake Caravati didn’t make it in. Pants-down, (ahh, I mean hands…) he’s the most bland and irrelevant member of council.”

    You forgot World class suck-up!

  • Belle says:

    I agree with all of your debunk/swaps and reasons thereunto!

  • Anonymous says:

    “To my mind, Capshaw’s local importance eclipses Miura.”

    on the music front sure. But when I want good sushi Miura’s my man and that is of great importance to sushi lovers everywhere. Otherwise I would have to go to DC for my fix.

  • Anonymous says:

    These rumors persist… do you think the man would be STUPID enough to actually do this on his own home turf? I can see heading up to D.C. or something but come on…

  • Anonymous says:

    DMB and Coran really don’t need to be on this list. If you were to go for the “mega-stardom well-no-duh” kind of list, then you would just put the 20 most famous people on the list.

    I think the list was meant to highlight some of the names that we don’t normally see. Granted, they still sold out to a few (Pete Gillen is just a basketball coach, and the political party chairmen and anyone from city council are also “no shit sherlock” choices). For the most part, however, the list does highlight some of the lesser known, but very involved names.

  • Anonymous says:

    Could it be because Cville publisher Bill Chapman is in bed with both guys and doesn’t want to appear to be playing ‘favorites’ or acting as a suck up? Or because Coran and Dave loathed the old Cville as run by Hawes because Hawes had so much fun teasing the band for being a bunch of hotheads and Chapman wants to play kiss and make-up?


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