UVa Expansion: ”Jefferson on Steroids”

Belle writes: Bob Gibson’s column in this weekend’s Progress describes the brakes former Governor Gilmore put on UVa’s plans for the Blue Ridge Hospital property. Gibson describes these restrictions as wise, given the University’s increasingly grandiose plans for expansion – on that property, and elsewhere in the City and Albemarle Co. – all to be done up in a architectural style one critic describes as “Jefferson on steroids”.

4 Responses to “UVa Expansion: ”Jefferson on Steroids””

  • Belle says:

    Gibson’s article is here . . . at least for the next few days.

  • Anonymous says:

    Can’t get enough Belle-linked articles!

  • PatrickGOP says:

    I think Governor Gilmore was simply trying to make sure that on a property which is classified as historical does not become a commercial office park. He recognizes that the role of the University is to educate the citizens of Virginia and that turning a historical property into another North Fork does not improve the education of anyone. Gilmore was right on this one.

  • Anonymous says:

    So Gilmore, who had dealt extensively with the University, was unwilling to deed over the Blue Ridge property without any limitations. The Governor simply did not trust Casteen, Sandridge & Company to engage in good land use planning of the kind that would respect the historic structures on the site and the University’s core mission. It saddens me to say that Gilmore’s judgment was sound.

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