World Cup Anyone?

writes: Is there any location in town that is showing the World Cup matches? US/Costa Rica/Portugal/Mexico? Cville is such a big soccer town, I would expect that some bar/restaurant is showing the matches, especially with our large Hispanic population. Anyone?

8 Responses to “World Cup Anyone?”

  • Anonymous says:

    There is a little taco restaurant in the back of El Paso on East Market that will probably be tuned in to the World Cup. It’ll be in Spanish. The tacos are damn good, especially the Chorizo con papas.

  • Anonymous says:

    The games start at 1:30 am and the latest (or earliest) they start is 7:30 am. Most games are from 2:30am to 5:30am. There is a place in Northern Virginia, according to the Post, that is open 24/7 however.

  • Anonymous says:

    I bet Dimitris at the White Spot will be watching. He just got a new satellite dish in the restaurant.

  • Waldo says:

    I’ve got to add a “+1 Nice” moderation category. As in “aww, isn’t that nice?” :)

  • Anonymous says:

    …or not. C’mon, in any other country in the world, the streets would’ve been FLOODED with revelers, honkers and flag-wavers after such a victory. But here, the streets were quiet and the public plazas deserted. We’ve got a long way to go before the U.S. can be considered a serious soccer nation. But hopefully we’ll get there soon!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Good point – we need to have a lot more hooliganism if we want to play with the big boys.

  • Anonymous says:

    In a stunning upset the US beats Portugal 3-2.After a brillant first half that ended 3-0 the US prepared for the coming storm. It came but only produced one Portugal goal. And then UVA alumni Jeff Agoos accidentally deflected the ball into the US goal to make the game 3-2. But the US recovered and ran out the clock by playing more aggressively on the offensive side. The Americans have gotten off to a flying start. Next is host team South Korea.


  • Big_Al says:

    Apparently, Damon’s is opening at 7 to show the “late” game and serve breakfast. Of course, why anybody would actually want to eat there is beyond me.

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