Millmont Center Reopens

After being cited with 91 human rights and licensing violations in April, the Millmont Center mental health facility had a grand re-opening yesterday with their new name, The Brown Schools of Virginia. The school is proud that they haven’t been cited with a single human rights violation in three months. Said the company’s CEO, “a name change is a good way to visibly signal a fresh start.” Claudia Pinto has the story in today’s Progress.

7 Responses to “Millmont Center Reopens”

  • harry says:

    This reminds me of “Altria”… like, if we don’t see “Philip Morris”, we won’t realize they’re selling cancer.

    I hope the Millmont Center has cleaned up their act, because their services are important and needed by the community, but I don’t like them hiding behind a new name. If they do the job, their reputation will clear itself up.

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow, this site has been *dead* all weekend. Not a story, not a comment, no mention even that the Lewis Mountain people have retained a lawyer!

  • Anonymous says:

    No moderation either (posts seem to have a score of 0).

    [back to sleep]


  • Anonymous says:

    could we have any topic? Perhaps the World cup!

    for example:

    Are you going to watch USA play tommorrow at 5am?

    UVa players on the squad: too few or too many?

    Puppies- man’s best friends or tasty korean snack?

    Any of these would give us something to talk about.

  • BetterLife says:

    yeah Waldo, your site is really starting to suck. Think I’ll start my own….

  • Waldo says:

    yeah Waldo, your site is really starting to suck. Think I’ll start my own….

    You do that. :) But first you’ll have to arrange for some news to happen — all that’s been going on in town is people talking a lot but not doing much.

  • Anonymous says:

    well, Waldo, we thought you left us!!

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