Monthly Archive for March, 2002

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City Puts Real Estate Assessments On-Line

The City is providing an interesting new service (at least, it’s new to me) — Internet-based City Assessor’s records of real estate assessments. It used to be that you had to go to the Assessor’s office and dig through a card file, or more recently use the computer in their office. The site contains records for every parcel of land in the city, listing ownership, deed transfers, value, improvements and specifics of the structure of each home. Even if you’re not an attorney, prospective home buyer, assessor or real estate agent, it’s still fun to find out how much your neighbor’s house is worth.

Salidis Announces Independent Council Bid

Charlottesville activist Stratton Salidis has announced his bid for City Council as an independent. He is the fourth candidate in a field that includes Democrats Blake Caravati and Alexandria Searls, and Republican Rob Schilling. Salidis wrote in August that he believes that “the major issues during this race will be how we shape development in the area…and also how we help young people prepare themselves for being a positive force in society.” Salidis ran in the 2000 election, ultimately getting 2.1% of the vote. Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.

Barracks Road Suffers String of Robberies

Over the course of the last two weeks, the same man has held up three different stores at Barracks Road Shopping Center. The man — a white male in his 20s, 6′ and 170lbs-220lbs — has held up Ben & Jerry’s, Lindt Chocolate Shop and Barnes & Noble, all while armed. Eric Swensen had the story in yesterday’s Progress.

Dem. Council Nomination Tallies Available

For the curious, George Loper has made available the results from last week’s Democratic nominating caucus for City Council. The votes from each of the four rounds [1, 2, 3, 4] make for interesting analysis, as has already been done by party co-chair Lloyd Snook and Democrat Rey Barry. Comments can be posted below, of course, or you can e-mail your thoughts to if you want them to appear on his site.

Body Found in Buckingham

WVIR reported this evening that a survey crew has discovered human remains in the woods near the intersection of 602 and 655 in Buckingham County. Local police are guarding the scene until dawn, when the investigation will resume. The body has not been identified, but there are several missing persons cases in Buckingham that this could be connected to. This is being treated as a homicide.
