Monthly Archive for February, 2002

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C’ville Arts Center Announced

The worst-kept secret in town has been announced: Live Arts, Second Street Gallery and Lighthouse have teamed up to build the City Center for Contemporary Arts, a new structure on Second and Water to house all three organizations. The four-story, 27,000 square foot building is mostly used by Live Arts, with gallery space and classroom space for the other two organizations on the bottom floor. You’ll have to read Jane Dunlap Norris’ article in today’s Progress to get all of the detils on this impressive new building.

Route 29’s Waving Man

writes: I am looking for any information on where the waving man on 29 has gone? It has been months since I have seen him in the median waving at the passing cars.

I don’t actually know anything about a waving man, but this just seemed too cool and weird to pass up.

Wash. Times on UVa Attacks

writes: Ten people now arrested (that’s four more than reported locally), and some other, added details not reported locally. Here’s the link: Have the local media dropped this story?

Film Fest Brings Water, Ebert

The Virginia Film Fest has announced the theme for this October’s event: “wet.” Richard Herskowitz, who runs the annual four-day event, explains that this means we’ll be seeing movies that include rivers, rain, showers, and even beverages. For the first time in a couple of years, Rogert Ebert is coming out to conduct his popular shot-by-shot dissection of a yet-to-be-announced film. WINA has the story.

PVCC Increasing Class Sizes, Slowing Development

Piedmont Virginia Community College is adapting to the proposed state budget cuts, and doesn’t intend to have to lay off anybody in the process. They’re planning to adapt to the $378k in reduced funding by not moving forward with hiring plans, cut some summer classes, cut all department operating budgets by 5% and slow expansion of their popular Internet-based classes. Eric Swensen has the story in today’s Progress.
