UVa Unionizes

Fifty University of Virginia employees have formed a union. The newly-formed Staff Union at the University of Virginia has allied itself with the Communications Workers of America. The SUUVa was created mostly by Labor Action Group members that wanted to pursue issues that pertained only to UVa staff. Eric Swensen has the story in today’s Progress.

4 Responses to “UVa Unionizes”

  • Anonymous says:

    I have to say that I was surprised that they got 50 people there. I had told a friend of mine that they could probably hold that meeting in a phone booth. (Given Virginia’s hostility to unions in general and that the rules against state employees unions) So it was a happy surprise.

    The question is, “Will a union be able to address the UVA issues?” Who knows? It might be better than the Virginia Governmental Association. I’m a state employee who has worked in both the state capitol and other places and no one from the VGA has ever contacted me or distributed any kind of information about why I should join.

  • Anonymous says:

    I thought they had lots of rights already, certainly more than in private industry. I can’t imagine how this union has a chance based on Va law.

  • Big_Al says:

    My understanding is they can’t collectively bargain, nor can they strike. I also understand they can’t compel union membership as a condition of employment. If they strike, I believe, they can and damn well should be fired (remember PATCO?). They can, however, make noise, and the University doesn’t like noise.

    But, yeah, I agree – University employees have better benefits than most private industry. Doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to ask for more, however.

  • Big_Al says:

    I just realized many might not remember PATCO – the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization. They went on stirke, and Reagan fired them. A lot of people complained loudly that planes would start falling out of the sky because of it, but air traffic safety didn’t suffer, and as far as I know that was the last time a union representing Federal employees went on strike.

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