Honor Code Change Rejected

UVa’s Honor Committee has rejected a proposal to permit expelled students to re-enter the college if they admit guilt. The idea was to permit students accused of honor code violations to admit guilt prior to their trial in exchange for the possibility of future re-admission. A 14-9 vote in favor of the proposal was insufficient to achieve the necessary 2/3 majority to create the necessary student referendum. The Cav Daily has the story.

1 Response to “Honor Code Change Rejected”

  • JimmyDuncan says:

    The single-sanction honor code is simple and effective. It teaches accountability and that there are indeed consequences for one’s actions.

    A similar, but more strictly enforced honor code has been in effect at a school down the road, VMI, and has been instilled in every cadet there. It becomes part of life.

    Is it really so difficult of a concept for one to not lie, cheat or steal?

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