Toscano Will Not Seek Re-Election

Former mayor and current City Councilor David Toscano has announced that he will not seek a fourth term on Council. Toscano intends to spend more time with his family and his law practice. Bob Gibson has the story in today’s Progress. It looks like things are about to get exciting in this year’s City Council race.

7 Responses to “Toscano Will Not Seek Re-Election”

  • Toscano intends to spend more time with his family and his law practice.

    In politics, doesn’t that usually mean someone forced someone else out? I said USUALLY, not necessarily in this case…

  • Waldo says:

    In politics, doesn’t that usually mean someone forced someone else out? I said USUALLY, not necessarily in this case…

    Or they have to in order to position themselves for something bigger. The Progress and WVIR have made it clear that he’s interested in pursuing higher office, which would be interesting to see. Presumably he’d like a seat on a state level, but that’s a flat-out assumption.

    There is certainly the rare individual that gets done what they have to do, and that’s that. He’d hardly be the first person to leave an office as minor as city council to spend time with family and on their job. It could happen.

  • dirty-mall-bum says:

    He’d hardly be the first person to leave an office as minor as city council to spend time with family and on their job. It could happen.

    True, but I don’t trust politicians of any ilk or caliber, councilman to president. The rare few are straight up about what goes on.

    BTW, good site, Waldo. Been meaning to check it out for awhile, but traffic was terrible and…

  • Waldo says:

    True, but I don’t trust politicians of any ilk or caliber, councilman to president. The rare few are straight up about what goes on.

    Here’s hoping that I’ll be one of that type at some point.

    BTW, good site, Waldo. Been meaning to check it out for awhile, but traffic was terrible and…

    Thanks! There’s been some talk about adding a Meadowcreek Bypass to connect the two routers direct-like. But it’s been years, and that’s yet to happen, so don’t hold your breath.

  • Anonymous says:

    What’s so hard to believe? After years of political service Toscano has done all he can as he waits for Delegate Mitch to finally quit after 30 years of public service. Being on city council is alot of work for little pay. This former radical, Citizen’s party and beard, has become the city’s most reasonable politican. While he waits for the Delegate seat he can spend time with his family and make some money.

    Anyone who thinks that it hasn’t cost Toscano alot of money and time to serve this city should ask Kay Slaughter or any former councilors/lawyers if this isn’t the case. The long hours and low pay for time spent would qualify most of them for a raise under the “living wage”. True, this is an office they must seek and no one forces them. I for one applaud his service and will miss his moderate views on council.


    P.S. Waldo please run, there are few with passion that will decide to run and I think you would have fun as well.

  • Anonymous says:

    Toscano is a good guy, I’ll miss him.

    Waldo, if you get elected, get us some strip clubs will ya?

  • Waldo says:

    Anyone who thinks that it hasn’t cost Toscano alot of money and time to serve this city should ask Kay Slaughter or any former councilors/lawyers if this isn’t the case. The long hours and low pay for time spent would qualify most of them for a raise under the “living wage”. True, this is an office they must seek and no one forces them. I for one applaud his service and will miss his moderate views on council.

    Here, here. I couldn’t agree more.

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