Wintergreen Opens This Weekend

It’s finally cold enough that Wintergreen can make snow, and this weekend things are opening up for the first time this year. They’ll be opening with beginner and intermediate slopes, and presumably opening the black diamonds as soon as they can. Just a reminder: lift tickets are $20, ski rentals are $11 and snowboards are $26. WINA has a brief story.

2 Responses to “Wintergreen Opens This Weekend”

  • Anonymous says:

    And does it have anything to do with snow?

  • Waldo says:

    Fair question. :) It’s the sports icon. You just don’t see it much, because I don’t know the first thing about sports, such as UVa games, and nobody ever seems to submit anything. I guess I should add a tennis racket or something so that it’s a little clearer that the topic is multiple sports, and not one in particular.

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