Deeds Wins in Landslide

Democrat Creigh Deeds is the winner of the 25th District Senate election. He defeated Republican Jane Maddux in every district, 69% to 31%. In Charlottesville, Deeds nabbed 76% of the vote, and 58% in Albemarle. WINA has a detailed breakdown of the returns. Deeds will finish up the last two years of the late Sen. Emily Couric’s term before facing the next election.

25 Responses to “Deeds Wins in Landslide”

  • Waldo says:

    I guess I didn’t go far enough in my prediction that Deeds would win 60% to 40%. It really goes to show how tremendously Democratic that this new 25th district is.

  • Anonymous says:

    …or how stupefyingly unqualified Jane Maddux is for the job. “I’ve been giving hope to people for 25 years.” I don’t believe even Mother Teresa would have characterized herself that way.

    But my favorite Maddux ad was the one with the voice over at the end that said, “Jane Maddux — a past, a future.” What in the name of God was THAT supposed to mean? You could say that about Charles Manson or Kermit the Frog.

    Janis Jaquith

  • Anonymous says:

    of course – like Deeds saying how HE voted for returning lottery profits to the schools. Yeah, after he voted it down four times. Actually I am quite happy with Deeds, he a conservative dem that got an “A” rating from the NRA. And the republicans may pick up his seat for a veto-proof majority in the house.

    As for your comments about “Jane Maddux — a past, a future.” How smug you most feel to compare someone trying to run from office to Charles Manson or a felt puppet. If you don’t like her fine but she ran an honest, if some what misguided race. By right I should be able to to call you a Kool-aid swallowing, kneejerk lib, democratic automaton incapable of being generous to any conservative that comes along. But that would be wrong.

  • Waldo says:

    As for your comments about “Jane Maddux — a past, a future.” How smug you most feel to compare someone trying to run from office to Charles Manson or a felt puppet.

    I think you missed the point — Janis was trying to come up with ridiculous comparisons to illustrate how vague that Maddux’s quasi-slogan is. The fact that she has a past and a future is obvious: she does, after all, live in our universe, the same one that harbors Kermit (being a fundamentally good thing to compare somebody to: popular, lovable, etc.) and Charles Manson (a fundamentally bad thing.) The examples chosen were presumably not intended to be insulting, merely to illustrate that everything has a past and a future.

  • will says:

    “Kool-aid swallowing?”

    I’ve heard liberals accused of a lot of things, but never someone who drinks instant beverages. I suppose if you sort of squint and look at it sideways, it could be seen as something that represents all that is wrong with this country. Maybe.

  • Waldo says:

    I think s/he is confusing Charles Manson with Jim Jones, of Jonestown fame.

  • Anonymous says:

    “As for your comments about “Jane Maddux — a past, a future.” How smug you must feel to compare someone trying to run for office to Charles Manson or a felt puppet.”

    The whole point of my criticism of that “slogan” in Maddux’s commercial was that it says nothing whatever about anyone or anything — it characterizes no one. It might as well have been “Jane Maddux — a pulse, a brainwave.” Come to think of it, “a pulse, a brainwave” would have been much more specific. At least those attributes characterize a sentient being.

    Janis Jaquith

  • Anonymous says:

    koolaid shallowing is about blind following a cause not confusion with Manson. But what the hey a guy got to defend his mom, right!

  • Anonymous says:

    please continue to feel smudge and unapologetic. Jane Maddux sentient being-great slogan. With your great knowledge of the public policy and slogans, I look forward to your running for office and making this and world a better place. For I can’t imagine you sitting on the sidelines and letting those conservative slow take over the state.

  • fdr says:

    I don’t know Janis personally, but I don’t believe her thoughts here express a feeling of “smudge.”

    Moral: If you’re going to troll, at least use a dictionary! (And check your grammar.)

  • Waldo says:

    “Jane Maddux sentient being-great slogan.”

    That’s the point! That slogan would be no better than her “a past a future” slogan. They’re both meaningless.

    Janis’ point is that Maddux could have had a meaningful slogan. Perhaps something like (I’m making these up without tying these to her policy stances) “Maddux: Fighting higher taxes for you,” or “Think safer communities. Think Maddux.” Or maybe “Jane Maddux. Working for a cleaner environment.” But “a past, a future?” That’s absolute nonsense!

  • BurntHombre says:

    Personally, I find that trolls with bad grammar and spelling are much more fun and challenging than your standard troll. That way, you have to divine whether you’re dealing with double entendres, malapropisms, simple misspellings, etc…it opens up a whole slew of interpretations and responses.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes, please make fun of someone’s typing. That way you don’t have to have opinion or make a point. Don’t deal with issue, belittle the poster. You parents must be be very proud

    By calling a person that mispelled a word “moron”, you show the very qualities being criticized.

    I am quite sure you make fun of people who stutter and are dyslexic as well.

    moron 1 : a mentally retarded person who has a potential mental age of between 8 and 12 years and is capable of doing routine work under supervision

    2 : a very stupid person

    You would make fun of either.

    I did like the use of troll- part of the hype for “Lord of the Rings” opening no doubt. Or perhaps you just finished reading your first Harry Potter?

  • Anonymous says:

    And yes english was mispelled for you enjoyment!

  • Anonymous says:

    Excellent point! Made without personal attack.

    Your mother should be very proud! Had that been the original statement no flame bait would have been required.

    sincerely, moron troll

  • Anonymous says:

    Lord of the Rings? You’re good!

  • Anonymous says:

    Anonymous wrote:

    By calling a person that mispelled a word “moron”, you show the very qualities being criticized.

    Who called you a moron? I don’t see that word in any post except yours.

  • Waldo says:

    I did like the use of troll- part of the hype for “Lord of the Rings” opening no doubt.

    Though somebody else has provided a link, I’ll tell you real quick what a “troll” is. The term refers to somebody who trolls (think of fishing — dragging bait through the water until something bites at it) a discussion board by writing shallow, intentionally-inflammatory, questionably on-topic things. Usually trolls write things that are entirely unrelated, often rather offensive things, just to upset people.

    I fear that the term has been mis-applied in your case, but that’s just one man’s opinion. :)

  • Anonymous says:

    You’re a big stupid head!

    I’m taking my bag of aborted fetuses and corporate tax breaks and going home!

  • Anonymous says:

    it was in quotes – not the word itself was used, more by implication.

    moron troll

  • BurntHombre says:

    Bless your heart. Have a wonderful holiday!

  • Waldo says:

    Hey, but I was right about voter turnout: I forecast 30%, and it was 29.71%. Not bad, if I say so myself. :)

  • Anonymous says:

    Go back and look at the post you’re responding to–the writer used the word “moral,” not “moron.” He didn’t call you a moron. He said “moral.”

  • Big_Al says:

    Or “No Car Tax!” Destined to be a classic.

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