Monthly Archive for October, 2001

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Emily Couric Dies

Senator Emily Couric succumbed to pancreatic cancer this morning, surrounded by friends and family. She was 54.

Free Bike Program Begins

The free bicycle program is underway. Yesterday the yellow bike racks were placed at a half-dozen locations along Main Street, from City Hall to Elliewood on the Corner. Anybody is welcome to use any of the bright yellow bicycles on those racks, and return them to any other yellow rack when finished with them. The program received $4,500 in funding from Dave Matthews Band in early September, which enabled it to get off the ground. Thanks to Kevin Cox for the tip. To see the announcement to the CHABA mailing list from Stephen Bach, read on. Update: Turns out that the program hasn’t actually begun — there may be yellow bikes and yellow bike racks scattered about, but they’re chained up for now. Oops.

From: Stephen Bach

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:39:54 -0400 (EDT)

To: Charlottesville Area Bicycling Alliance

Subject: chaba: Yellow bikes racks debut!

Hi Folks:

Yesterday the City, in consultation with Mr. Huja and me, installed yellow bike racks in six locations:

In front of the downtown post office in line with the other bike rack there; on Water St. just west of the skating rink; on the northeast side of the bridge on West Main, across from the bus stop; at the bus stop at 11th and West Main; in front of the Red Roof Inn near 13th St. NW; and in front of Starbucks at Eliewood and University.

Then later, Bruce Dembling and I moved four bikes to the rack near the downtown post office in preparation for a meeting with a reporter from the Richmond Times-Dispatch today at 1:00.

The racks look very nice. The bikes in the racks look nice too.


DMB Video Filmed in C’ville

Over at, we just received a tip from Kyle Smith of Richmond that the DMB video for “Everyday,” their next single from their newest album, will be filmed here in C’ville on Monday and Tuesday of next week. The location is unknown, but no doubt the secret will be out by Monday afternoon.

Live Arts: The Common Good

This weekend, from the 19th – 21st, Live Arts will be hosting “The Common Good,” an extended musical event to raise money for the American Red Cross. Over 100 artists will perform over the course of the weekend, including Shannon Worrell, Kenneth Coles, Terri Allard, Buzby, Fred Boyce, devon, Greg Howard, the Hogs, Brady Earnhart, Nickeltown, John D’earth, The Hackensaw Boys, and lots and lots more people. You can buy tickets on-line, or call Live Arts at 977-4177. 100% of ticket sales will go to the Red Cross. Read on for Live Arts’ press release, which has details on the line-up and the schedule.

The tragedies of September 11 hit every heart in the nation. In response, Charlottesville artists are taking action for THE COMMON GOOD in a weekend-long benefit for the American Red Cross on October 19 – 21.

Over three days, Live Arts will host more than 100 artists in four concerts and two late-night dance parties for THE COMMON GOOD. 100% of ticket sales will go directly to the American Red Cross. “We need to be able to use our gifts to benefit others,” said Live Arts Artistic Director John Gibson. “At Live Arts, as it is as all across America, the lights are still on.”

On Friday the 19th, check out the benefit’s first concert, featuring the Naked Puritans, Clare Quilty, Andy from ‘Earth to Andy,’ Shannon Worrell, Kenneth Coles, and a performance of Vasalisa by Foolery, all starting at 7:30 p.m. at Live Arts. A minimum $15 donation will provide general admission to the concert. Then stay for a late-night dance party featuring Peter Griesar and Raphael at 11 p.m. Minimum donation is $10 for the dance party.

On Saturday the 20th, join Terri Allard, Jane Scatena and Doug Schneider with Greg Harris, the Music Resource Center, Kathryn Caine, Buzby, Miki Liszt and Fred Boyce for a family concert at 2:00 p.m., as well as a performance of Antigone by LATTE. Minimum donation is $10 for adults, and there is no minimum donation for children under age 13 attending the family concert. Saturday’s second concert begins at 7:30 p.m., with performances by Devon, Greg Howard, Hogwaller Ramblers, Brady Earnhart, Nickeltown, Third Man Improv, Miki Liszt, and Thadd McQuade. A minimum $15 donation will provide general admission. The night closes with another dance party starting at 11 p.m., with details to be announced. Minimum donation is $10.

On Sunday the 21st, come back for the benefit’s final concert at 7:30 p.m. for performances by Karmen, the Hackensaw Boys, John D’Earth and friends, Danny Schmidt, Wisher, Hoganzeroes, Teresa Dowell-Vest, Zen Monkey Project, and Offstage. A minimum $15 donation will provide general admission.

Tickets can be purchased in advance through the Live Arts Box Office beginning at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 16 during regular Box Office hours. The Box Office is open from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. Call the Box Office at 977-4177, extension 108. Advance tickets also can be purchased online beginning October 16 by going to and linking to Tickets can be purchased at the door for each event, starting an hour before each performance and continuing for the duration of each performance.

Recognizing the needs of those around us, Live Arts is replacing its previously scheduled haunted house and masquerade ball fund-raiser with THE COMMON GOOD, which is sponsored by C-Ville Weekly, The Widening Gyre, Sprint, and Crutchfield.

Liberty Fabrics Closing

Liberty Fabrics is closing their Gordonsville and Orange County plans. The company, which is owned by Sara Lee, is laying off all 345 workers as the parent company leaves the lace business. WINA has the story.



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