DMB Video Filmed in C’ville

Over at, we just received a tip from Kyle Smith of Richmond that the DMB video for “Everyday,” their next single from their newest album, will be filmed here in C’ville on Monday and Tuesday of next week. The location is unknown, but no doubt the secret will be out by Monday afternoon.

3 Responses to “DMB Video Filmed in C’ville”

  • Lars says:

    Lets just hope its not being shot downtown, there are already enough people showing up to take pictures of their friends in front of Millers as it is.

    The next thing you know carson daily will be running around the mall with 1000 screaming girls in hot pursuit, with the whole mess broadcast live on TV.


  • Hermes_Simplex says:

    I can’t for the life of me imagine what could be wrong with that.

  • Lars says:

    Thats because MTV wants you to think it’s cool.

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