Nominated for VH1 Music Award

I feel a little silly putting this on, but here goes., a site that I help run, has been nominated for the VH1 My Music Award in the “Coolest Fan Website” category. The site is a Dave Matthews Band fan site, and we actually won the same award last year. The whole thing is decided by votes from John Q. Public, so if you want to vote for, or for Dave Matthews Band in the several categories that they’re nominated in, well, I’d appreciate that.

3 Responses to “ Nominated for VH1 Music Award”

  • Anonymous says:

    woohoo…. dave dave dave! a round of applause for the hometown boy whose likeness keeps on winning!

    forgive me – i have to go get rid of some bile.

  • BurntHombre says:

    So, if you win, do they fly you out to the award ceremony gratis? Do you get to hobknob with all the celebrites? Or do they shun you for being a mere mortal?

    Details! More details!

  • Anonymous says:

    Yeah, we need details or i going to put in my multiple votes for Aerosmith!

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