Monthly Archive for September, 2001

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Big Sound That Shook Everyone Up

munk writes: Whether an explosion, an earthquake or a sonic boom, something loud and jarring occurred at 12:00 or 12:01. It was felt on the Mall, on Millmont Street, at Albermarle Square, and out River Road. Once before, Charlottesville had an earthquake that news sources insisted was a sonic boom for days, but this seemed like neither. We’re trying hard to find the source; it was short, loud, and local.

Update: Sonic boom? Military jet? Earthquake? Underground explosion? We’ve heard a lot of theories and no answers.

Film Fest Schedule Out

The schedule for the 14th annual Virginia Film Festival is being distributed around town today, and the website should have it tomorrow. Ticket sales start Monday for the October 25th – 28th event. The theme this year is “Masquerades,” and thus features films like like Tootsie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and Phantom of the Opera.

Supervisor Endorses Citizens’ Review Board

Albemarle County Supervisor David Bowerman, described in Peter Savodnik’s Daily Progress article today as “the bridge between the six-member Board of Supervisors and the county police department,” has endorsed the concept of a citizens’ review board to oversee the police department. He envisions the same restrictions that Chief Miller does, to some people’s regret, restrictions that can only be lifted by an act of the Virginia General Assembly. An odd dynamic has popped up here, too: Detective K. W. Robinson, who is accused of beating a prisoner during questioning last month, has told the Progress that he supports a review board. This is likely related to the fact that Detective Robinson was once fired by Chief Miller, for excessive use of force, only to find his job reinstated by an appeals board.

Second Cheater Expelled

Student number two of 122 accused of honor code violations in Professor Bloomfield’s class earlier this year has been expelled. The first student was found expelled in July, but the rest of the investigations appear to be coming along slowly. It’s thought that a large number of accused students wrote “source” papers that the remainder of the accused used to write fraudulent essays. WINA has the story.

Council Approves Noise Ordinance

After years of on-again off-again interest, WINA is reporting that Charlottesville City Council formally adopted a downtown noise ordinance last night. It starts at 10pm Sunday through Thursday, and midnight on Friday and Saturday night.
