Terrorism Everywhere

Two hijacked planes have been crashed into the World Trade Center, destroying one of the buildings. Another plane has been crashed into the Pentagon, and there are currently unconfirmed reports by ABC News that there have been a similar attacks on the Capitol Building and the White House. We will, of course, make no attempt to cover things here — just get thee to a television. (And if you’re reading this from D.C, come home to C’ville!)

7 Responses to “Terrorism Everywhere”

  • Anonymous says:

    another plane was dileberiatley crashed somewhere in sommerset penn. all the hijacked planes so far have been on route to california

  • Waldo says:

    What’s the story with the National Ground Intelligence Center? Has it been evactuated? The most recent WINA report says that CHO is being closed down, and that officers are at the NGIC as a precaution. (Remember that they’ve moved from downtown out to Airport Road.) I think WINA also said that they’ve closed the federal building. Can anybody provide first-hand info?

  • will says:

    All federal buildings in Virginia (and most, if not all, other states) are closed today. In addition, CHO is at the very least closed to air traffic because, for the first time in US history, the FAA has closed the nations’ airways, and Canada looks as if it will do the same soon.

  • will says:

    Both towers have collapsed to the ground, leaving the Manhattan skyline eerily vacant. There have been no attacks on the Capitol, White House, or any buildings other than the World Trade Center and Pentagon. New York’s mayor hazards a guess at 10,000 casualties, and most reporters and politicians are calling this “an act of war” that is the largest attack on the US since Pearl Harbor, perhaps even eclipsing that because of the catastrophic loss of civilian life.

    Someone’s going to get the shit bombed out of them over this.

  • Big_Al says:

    Yeah, and I hope we don’t hear any whining about “collateral damage,” either.

    This is surreal. It feels like we’re living inside a Tom Clancy novel.

    There is a great opinion piece at the Chicago Tribune site (chicagotribune.com – written by John Kass) which elegantly states that the victims are Americans who were murdered for simply being Americans.

    This is one of those days that is going to change everything. Everything.

  • Big_Al says:

    CHO is shut down tighter than I’ve ever seen it before (my office is in the AMvest-Worrell terminal). You simply can’t get past the entry on Dickinson Road without an airport ID. Security personnel here are definitely on their toes today.

  • Munk says:

    For lack of a better place to post this, here’s more info than you wanted to know about Osama bin Laden.

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