Cows on the Loose

The Progress has a great article today about runaway livestock up 29, near Fashion Square. An anonymous user tells us it’s “about two escaped cows and the fate they met. To quote one of the interviewees from the story, ‘Cows ain’t dumb. Cows are smart.'” Take two irritated cows, several hours, heavy traffic, a tranquilizer gun, some police, and what do you get? Apparently, about 1,050 pounds of beef.

4 Responses to “Cows on the Loose”

  • Genetaska says:

    I just have to wonder- were these cows on the way to slaughter?

  • Waldo says:

    The Progress says they were “headed to market,” whatever that means. I assume that nobody would buy these cows just to have some cows, so surely they would have been killed within little time.

    You know, since I know so much about cattle. :)

  • hejira says:

    Any cow so praticed in the art of camouflage deserves a decent home (at least better than McDonald’s).

    Out of curiosity, why is there is no link to the story?

  • Waldo says:

    Because the Progress only keeps stories up for 24 hours, rendering all links quickly useless.

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