Monthly Archive for August, 2001

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Smoker vs. County

In 1999, 69-year-old Daley Craig was watching his grandson’s football team at WAHS play a game. While watching, he was smoking a cigar, which he was told violates a county ban of tobacco use on school grounds. Craig refused to stop smoking, and he was forced to leave school grounds by police. This has turned into a cause for Craig, who is not so interested in smoking on school grounds as he is in creating a citizen review board to oversee the Albemarle County police force. Said Craig, “I have made it quite clear on the record that I find it despicable that the only review of alleged police review in Albemarle County is `internal.’ That sort of review cannot be objective or thorough, and is tainted by apparent conflict of interest. Yet you have refused to establish any sort of objective review and are a party to the cover-up.” He went on the criticize the police’s killing of William Wingfield Jr., saying “Since then, the police have killed another person. The one they claim was attacking them with a garden hoe. Wow, a real garden hoe! A demented man with a garden hoe attacking three supposedly able policemen and women armed with billy clubs and Mace, and the police had to shoot him.” Needless to say, police aren’t very happy with Craig, and he’s dead-set on having a review board. Peter Savodnik has an extensive article in today’s Progress.

When Students Attack: Move-In Day

Don’t forget that tomorrow is UVa’s move-in day. Thousands of students will descend on the town like locusts, leaving a trail of cash in their wake. So either stay away from Route 29 and Main Street this weekend, or do your best to make some money off of them. Be nice.

Earley Parodied in Onion

Madison, Wisconsin’s satirical weekly, “The Onion,” has directed their biting humor our way. In last week’s issue, they carried a story entitled “Candidated Turns to Focus Group for Position on Rape,” in which they say that Earley “has not yet declared whether he will adopt a hardline anti-rape stance or take a more moderate position to avoid alienating the state’s estimated 35 pro-rape voters.” You can read the short piece just a few stories down the front page of the issue.

DMB Provides $50k Scholarship

Dave Matthews Band has provided $50,000 for a scholarship for a Charlottesville or Albemarle County 16-24 year old. The Fight for Your Rights Leadership Scholarship, which is being run by MTV, is also providing scholarships to four youths in Houston and New York, sponsored by Destiny’s Child, Method Man and Mena Suvari. Interested individuals can apply on-line. The winners will be announced on October 24th. The story is from today’s Daily Progress.

Escaped Convict Caught

Timothy Eads, who escaped from jail yesterday, was caught downtown at 8:30pm this evening. He was spotted on the corner of Avon and Garrett by two men, who shouted out to him by name. Eads took off running, and hid under a moving van parked in front of the Rentway across from Spudnuts. The men called 911, and police arrived quickly with a K9 unit. A German shepard dragged the man out by his head, from the undercarriage of the truck. Bleeding badly, he was taken to the hospital, where it was discovered that he had a key tied to a tooth in his mouth. Police say that it’s the key to his shackles, which he was not wearing at the time that he was arrested. The story comes from WVIR‘s 11pm broadcast.



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