C-Ville Weekly’s Coal Tower Overview

The latest C-Ville Weekly has an impressive overview of the recent coal tower shootings and the subsequent chase and capture of suspect Craig Nordenson. They provide a number of interviews, a detailed timeline, and the most coherent overview that has yet been published.

5 Responses to “C-Ville Weekly’s Coal Tower Overview”

  • rpl says:

    Since Waldo seems to be too modest to mention it, I’ll add that the C-Ville’s story also includes a sidebar about the cvillenews.com coverage and a picture of Waldo’s smiling mug.

    Congratulations, Waldo. How is your newfound fame treating you?


  • Waldo says:

    Since Waldo seems to be too modest to mention it, I’ll add that the C-Ville’s story also includes a sidebar about the cvillenews.com coverage and a picture of Waldo’s smiling mug.

    I’m a bit uncomfortable with the sidebar, actually. (I’m also uncomfortable writing stories about myself, but that’s a different topic. :)

    I mean, the write-up was great, Hawes’ photo was funny, and I appreciated the even-handed approach to Kevin’s rational criticism. But the headline “Waldo wins” with a big smiling photo of me is somewhat incongruous, to say the least, to the previous dozen pages of the paper. The extended article discusses a really very sad topic, one that left two young folks dead and another with his life destroyed. Nobody “wins” — it’s not a competition. So after reading through all of those pages and seeing my grinning mug and “Waldo wins”…well, I must say that I’d think of myself as a real insensitive jerk if I didn’t know me. I don’t think that C-Ville Weekly was being malicious or incompetent or insensitive, or any of these things. I think that this is just the unfortunate sort of thing that isn’t even really obvious until a bunch of people have read the paper and said “oh, gosh, that’s just not right.”

    Anyhow, yeah, it’s neat to get some positive exposure for cvillenews.com. Just not under these circumstances.

  • Anonymous says:

    I doubt it’s modesty that keeps Waldo from mentioning that sidebar. My guess is that embarrassment is more like it. The headline was “Waldo wins” — as though these murders provided some kind of victory for him.

    And that picture of him grinning… I cringe just thinking of it. Believe me, Waldo takes no joy in reporting on the murder of a child and her companion.

    This Web site has been useful for keeping people informed, in a timely fashion, about the murders and about the apprehension of Nordenson.

    There is satisfaction, on Waldo’s part, in knowing that he has helped to keep people informed about what’s happening in our community, but to portray him as a grinning victor is a grotesque distortion of reality, and in no way does it reflect Waldo’s reaction to this very sad situation.

    Janis Jaquith


  • Munk says:

    Waldo, that’s a pretty terrible photo of you: you look like a yuppie dork in a Volvo who smiles at the tragedy of the whole thing, whereas you were probably laughing at C-ville while borrowing your parents’ car. Ah, C-ville: even when they play nice, they’re out for blood.

  • rpl says:

    Interesting. I have to admit that I didn’t really consider that angle while I was reading the article. I read it as a straightforward piece about how there was this website and it was keeping people informed about what was going on. However, when you look at it the way you describe, and particularly when you take into account the comparison to CNN and the gulf war (which I did find a little jarring, even on a first reading), the article almost starts to look like a veiled criticism.


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