Trax to Close, Reopen Under New Name

The Progress reports that Trax is closing down for the summer, and reopening again in the fall with a new name and new events. Fresh owner Michael Duchesneau says that it will likely end up with the moniker of “Tahiti Joe’s” or “Frankie’s Patio.” He intends to introduce top 40 dance nights, and is quick to point out that there will be “no hip-hop, no rap.” Writes Fidel: “Thank heavens. Can’t be having that subversive element in Charlottesville…need to give the old Katie’s crowd a place to go!” Say, I wonder if Duchesneau’s considered naming it “Crossroads?”

4 Responses to “Trax to Close, Reopen Under New Name”

  • Munk says:


    Maybe this time, they’ll spring for a halfway decent sound system, ventilation, and a coat of paint.

    Probably not.

  • Waldo says:

    I haven’t been there for years because I hate Trax. Maybe the new incarnation won’t be a filthy, smoky, disgusting hole-in-the-wall. But I’m not placing any bets.


  • cyberville says:

    oh joy…..i’m sure a tahiti joe’s is just what was needed in c-ville. good thinking.

  • boboroshi says:

    Top 40? Please.

    Anything but that. Why can’t there be a GOOD dance venue that plays House, Trance, Two Step Garage, breakbeat, jungle, ambient, dub, WHATEVER. Just not top 40.

    Top 40 will attract the crowd that will 1.) drink until they can’t walk and therefore start fights and 2.) not really give a damn what kind of music is playing as long as they get it on at the end of the day.

    AKA The University’s finest drunk Fraterninty and Sorority members.

    Thank you Mister Jefferson. You gotta wonder where the wonderous saving grace of DMB is at a time like this. One of the better live venues in Virignia is going the way of the Floodzone (Richmond) and the Bayou (DC). This is the end of an era.

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